Call me corny, but one of the things I look for in a children's book is a sound moral message. I don't necessarily mean that every children's book needs a happy ending or a "good little boys and girls get rewarded" message, just some kind of idea that kids can take away with them, some kind of reinforcement , however subliminal, that can build up their value system. I was recently sent a copy of Mark Alden Johnson's “I’m Up in a Tree” to review, and I think this is a book that definitely passes that test. Here's what I thought about the book:
The Basics
Here's what the publishers have to say about the book:
Told in a lyrical rhyming style, Mark Alden Johnson’s “I’m Up in a Tree” (Bridgeway Books, January 2010) follows a little boy who climbs a tree for fun, only to realize he is scared to get down. As he sits high in the branches, various creatures that live in the tree approach him and advise him on how to get his feet back on the ground. Birds tell him to fly out of the tree, bees suggest he jump from the branch and a cat proposes he climb down. It is up to the little boy to decide if he should heed their advice, or trust his instincts and wait for his dad to help him. “I’m Up in a Tree” is a fun way to teach kids early to resist peer pressure and make their own choices.
The Bongga
I wasn't too excited to open up this book (and the next section of my review explains why), but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed reading this story. Not being about to get down from a tree is a situation that any kid can imagine finding himself in, so it really held their interest. My kids enjoyed listening to the book, and since the rhyming patterns were so simple, we were able to make a game out of guessing the last word in every verse. The talking animals provided some nice fantasy, but also illustrated an important concept: that bad advice doesn't necessarily come from evil people, it could also come from well-meaning but misguided friends.
The Blah
Although the story was fabulous, the cartoonish, 2-D illustrations left me, well, flat. First impressions are everything, and although the book has a nice, hardbound feel, the cover illustration looks amateurish. With a good illustrator, I think the visual appeal could be improved tremendously!
The Bottom Line
"I'm Up in a Tree" is an easy read with an exciting story and a great message: that even young kids can be faced with situations where they need to make good choices.
Win It!
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a copy of "I'm up in a Tree". To enter, simply leave a comment on this post and share one tip you have for teaching financial responsibility to kids.
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Win a copy of "I'm Up in a Tree" from @bonggafinds http://tinyurl.com/ydppzsr
Maximum of 5 entries per person. This giveaway ends at midnight PST on February 23, 2009; I will draw a winner at random on February 24 and post the winner's name as soon as the winner confirms acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book to review, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
25 Comments, Leave yours here:
My tips is to practice what you preach - show your kids that you save, and budget, and make financial tradeoffs to get what you need and want.
urchiken at gmail dot com
As soon as my son was born we opened a savings account for him so as he gets older we can show him how putting money in there adds up. He also has a piggy bank that itemizes the coins to make it fun to save change and count money. He is only 22 months old so, real lessons on saving still have to wait!
I entered Stay put socks giveaway
As soon as my kids got old enough to be picky about their clothes I gave them a clothing allowance. They had to buy their own shirts/pants and other misc stuff. I was amazed at how well they 'shopped' and how quickly they lost interest in name brands.
I'm a facebook fan (sandy miresse)
Tweet. http://twitter.com/slmiresse/status/8726443381
I entered Feeding Penny Pig.
I make sure my daughter knows the value of money she has to spend her own money on little trinkets, and I have seen her buy less..
When children have money give them choices about how it is spent and help them realize if they choose one option they won't get one of the others.
We opened up a child's saver account at our bank. We also help them make wise choices regarding their spending.
I entered your Chocolate Cheerios gift pack giveaway.
Give your child a dollar. Then take them to the store and ask them to pick out something they would like to buy with that dollar. Then tell them how much it is and figure out much more money they need to buy it. It really puts it into perspective how money works. Then you can focus on teaching them how save for the things they want/need.
I try to teach my 3 year old about saving and tithing!
Facebook fan!
Kristy Sutherland
Entered stay put socks giveaway!
Entered Chocolate cheerios giveaway!
Entered feeding penny pig giveaway!
I teach my daughter to differentiate between "needs" and "wants". In so doing I reinforce to her the value of saving for a greater need rather than spending all the money she has for something she can do without.
cornelio.mallare @ gmail.com
I entered CURLS Valentine's Giveaway!
cornelio.mallare @ gmail.com
Entered Curls giveaway!
Entered eye cream giveaway!
I make my kids save, give and spend a portion of all the money they receive for gifts or from allowance/chores.
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winner: #25, Marianna!
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