When I was a little girl, I always wanted more stories about the princesses in the fairytales, but I had to rely on my own imagination, because there was no such thing as sequels or spinoffs. Little girls today are so lucky because not only do they get a bucketful of beautiful Disney princesses to choose from -- from Cinderella to Ariel to Jasmine to my favorite, Sleeping Beauty -- but they also get to delve deeper into each princess's life and learn about more fun adventures they had. Not that imagination is a bad thing, but Disney's beautiful animation, catchy music and funny can certainly help a little girl's imagination take flight! Their latest Princess DVD offering, Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams, is now available in stores. Here's what we thought of it:
The Basics
Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams contains two films, one featuring Princess Aurora (from Disney's Sleeping Beauty) and one featuring Princess Jasmine (from Disney's Aladdin). Here's a description from Disney Home Entertainment:
If you wish with all your heart and imagine the loveliest place you've ever dreamt of, you'll find yourself in a dazzling fairytale castle. Cross the drawbridge, step inside and experience Disney's spectacular Princess adventure!
Accompany Princess Aurora on her first new "Once upon a time..." since the cherished classic SLEEPING BEAUTY. And take a magic carpet ride to Agrabah, where Jasmine and your favorite characters from the Academy Award® winning masterpiece ALADDIN (1992 -- Best Original Score; Best Original Song: "A Whole New World") return for a whole new world of never-before-seen enchantment! Spend some golden moments with Aurora and Jasmine as each discovers what it takes to be a true Princess. With magical storytelling, memorable new songs and "...favorite Disney Princesses, animated in the classic Disney style" (Roger Moore, ORLANDO SENTINEL), this delightful gem celebrates the power of believing in yourself. Join the Disney Princesses as they realize that when you FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS...they just might come true!
The DVD also includes a bonus disc containing a Cinderella music video, a Mulan music video, and an exclusive sneak peek of Disney's upcoming movie, "The Princess and the Frog".
The Bongga
Jasmine and Aurora are as smart and sassy as ever, and I love the positive, girls-can-do-anything attitude that these stories promote. I'm especially happy to find out more about Aurora, since there was so little character development in the original Sleeping Beauty.
The Blah
I'm a big fan of Disney movies, and I find that none of the Disney Princess sequels and spin-offs quite compares to the movies they originally appeared in.
The Bottom Line
What little princess wouldn't want more stories about Disney Princesses! They will love Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams, and before this DVD ends they'll be asking for more.
Win it! Each day from September 11 thru 14, I'll be starting a giveaway for one Disney DVD! Today's giveaway is for a copy of Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post and tell me your child's favorite Disney Princess character. This is required for entry and must be completed before any extra entries will count.
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following (please leave a separate comment for each extra entry):
1) Comment on any of my posts over at Finding Bonggamom (leave a comment here with a link to the post that you commented on).
2) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger(leave a comment with your Blogger profile name).
3) Blog about this giveaway and link to this giveaway in your blog post (leave a comment with the link to your blog post).
4) Tweet this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your tweet). Here is a sample tweet you can copy and paste:
Win a Disney Princess DVD from @bonggafinds http://tinyurl.com/nadd6e
This giveaway ends at midnight PST on Sept. 28, 2009.; I will draw a winner at random on Sept. 29 and post the winner's name on the comments section soon after. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!
I received a product sample for this post, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
63 Comments, Leave yours here:
I'll comment. I've got two girls who love ALL the princesses. CURRENT favorites are: Big (6)= Ariel, Little (3) = Aurora. Do have to say that the Fairies are giving the princesses a run for their money as of late.
Do I get two entries for two girls. ;-)
My little girl loves Princess Aurora. Thanks for the chance!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (Nad).
treflea4 at gmail dot com
My step-daughter's favorite is Sleeping Beauty.
I follow your blog.
My granddaughter really loves Belle. She would really love this. Thank you!
I tweeted
My 7yo daughter loves Aurora. My 3yo daughter loves Cinderella.
i think my daughter's absolute favorite is cinderella. but occasionally she talks to aurora on the phone.
i follow bonggamom finds through reader...
My daughter loves Cinderella.
I just tweeted. http://twitter.com/thienkim/statuses/4045589008
I'm a follower!
My son loves Jasmine! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I am a Bonggamom Finds follower - justicecw
thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
Tweeted at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/4140244166
My daughter's favorite is Cinderalla.
abfantom at yahoo dot ocm
My daughter adores Belle. Thanks so much.
Elton John is our favorite Disney Princess.
My daughters favorite Princess is Belle.My daughter is named Bella and she just loves Belle.
My daughters favorite is cinderella.
Our favorite is Pocahontas, a native American princess. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Older daughter loves Aurora and younger daughter loves Belle.
Thanks for the giveaway!
snow white
bog follower
Cinderella for sure!! Thanks for the chance.
My daughter loves Sleeping Beauty.
I have a girl who lives and breathes Cinderella! She can't get enough.
Thanks for the great giveaways!!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I follow you on blogger - busy bee
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Princess Aurora for my 2 neices!! Love to win this! They have Princesses on everything! lol
Princess Aurora for my 2 neices!! Love to win this! They have Princesses on everything! lol
my niece loves ariel (and i'd give this to her) - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
We love Ariel! Thanks :)
my granddaughter says Cinderella
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
We love Ariel.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My daughter loves Snow White. Thanks!
my grandaughter loves belle and cinderella so its up in the air on that one but I think its Belle.
We really love Belle, as well as Jasmine!
Cinderella is my niece's favorite.
My daughters favorite is Cinderella, my favorite is Ariel. Love her voice.
I follow Bonggamom Finds on blogger.
http://twitter.com/Jammie79/status/4430231840 I tweeted the giveaway
I do believe Belle is her favorite..
She can never decide which is her favorite, depends on what movie she is watching.
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I am a follower
copperllama at yahoo dot com
My daughter loves Cinderella. Thanks
mightynaynay at cs dot com
cinderella fav.at our house
My daughter is all about Cinderella
we love beauty from beauty and the beast
My daughter loves Cinderella but who doesn't?
Ariel is the current fave! Note that I said current...lol...might be a different one next week!!! Thanks!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
My daughters fav right now is Aurora
My 5 y/o daughter doesn't have one (yet, I am sure). She doesn't have any of their dolls or DVDs, so she doesn't "know" them really. But she loves princesses in general, wants to dress up as one for the second year in a row for Halloween. :)
atraditionalsurro at comcast dot net
My daughter's favorite is Snow White
My granddaughter loves Princess Jasmine. garrettsambo@aol.com
My little one love Stitch!
Ariel is very popular around here!
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winner, #32 BusyBee!
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