1) Spending as much time with my children and husband as I possibly can, making happy memories together as we travel to new places and share experiences. I know that there will come a time when my kids begin to live their own lives, so I want to share as much of their lives as I can, while I can!
2) Staying as healthy as possible. I want to live as long as I can in order to fulfill my first mission -- the longer I live, the more time I get to spend with my family! I want to be alive and healthy to see my children, their children, and their grandchildren enjoy their own lives. Eating right and staying active gives me the very best chance of living a long, healthy life, so that's what I want to do.
3) Stay as positive as possible. Attitude is everything! Staying positive not only keeps me happy, it reduces stress levels which can be bad for my health. So I try not to sweat the small stuff.
4) Do what makes me happy. What makes me happiest? Traveling with my family! I grew up in the Philippines and came to the US to live during my 20's. I've been traveling since I was 6, and my kids have been traveling since they were born. My husband (who is from the UK) and I consider ourselves global citizens and believe that everyone should take the opportunity to travel! We believe that because travel exposes people to lifestyles that are different from their own, it makes people more willing to try new things and more willing to see things from other people's point of view. We try to save up so we can travel every year -- the sacrifice of not eating out at fancy restaurants or watching lots of concerts or buying the latest phones and gadgets is so worth it to us if it means we can travel!
What inspires you to live your best life? Abbott wants to know! They have set out to find out what living fully means to people around the world. Take their LIFE. TO THE FULLEST quiz to help them get the most comprehensive results! There is no wrong answer, and it's a lot of fun. It's also a great way to reflect upon what gets you to live your fullest life. Check out the lifetothefullest.abbott hub which includes great videos, articles and fun facts. Here are 3 fun facts that stood out to me:
1) Most respondents -- 38% -- said that living their best life involves family.
2) My home country, the Philippines, is among the top 5 countries in Abbott's Global Pulse for Living Fully Rating, with survey respondents rating themselves with an average of 72 (on a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 being "not at all living fully" and 100 being "living fully,")!! The average score is 65.
3) The top 5 are Costa Rica (78), Colombia (77), Mexico (75), Indonesia (74), and the Philippines (72). Notice that none of the top 5 are what you would call world superpowers -- these countries have a significant number of people living below the poverty line! It's really all about attitude!
Fun, huh?! Check out the site and take the quiz to share your own definition of living your best life! Or to put it another way, share your #fullosophy!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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