Keep reading to find out how you can win a Hearts For Hearts Girl!
I'm always trying to teach my kids about the importance of global awareness and multiculturalism. I want them to know that most people around the world do not live as we do, and I want to show them how much better the world is because of the variety of cultures we have. I'm so glad that now there is a doll that can help bring the point home and show my girl what a beautiful world we live in. Hearts For Hearts Girls is a collection of multicultural dolls showcasing a different culture around the world. The dolls help girls identify more closely with other cultures by showing them how girls in other countries dress, live, and contribute to their families, communities and culture. Even better, a portion of Hearts For Hearts doll purchase is donated to children's causes in that doll's country. Each doll has a story, based on real-life girls, and your daughter is going to want them all!
About Hearts For Hearts
Changing the World One Heart at a Time! That is the goal of the new Hearts For Hearts Girls doll line and fashion collection from Playmates Toys. The collection features six dolls from around the world, each with an inspiring story to share
The authentically dressed and lifelike dolls each represent a girl who is working to change her community in ways that are unique to her home country. Included with each doll are a friendship bracelet and a story booklet that explains how these multicultural girls live and contribute to their families, communities, and culture. Each doll also comes with a special code that unlocks a free membership to the kid-safe Hearts for Hearts Girls Website, which features:
Additional information about each of the Hearts For Hearts Girls and the countries in which they live
Educational activities and lively games that are fun and rich in culture
Intriguing stories about real girls who are making a difference
While all girls are welcome to visit the site, the code unlocks access to additional features, including a larger array of games and a “myHeart” page
To further bring to light each Hearts For Hearts Girls’ culture, additional outfits are available for the dolls, so that your little girl can envision her doll’s story as she plays and changes the doll’s attire.
Additionally, through a partnership with World Vision3, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each Hearts For Hearts Girls doll is donated to programs that support girls in that doll’s country. Whether it’s malaria nets in Africa, schoolbooks in Asia, or food supplies in the United States, these programs help girls to thrive and succeed.
These are great dolls. I love Nahji's youthful, wholesome look, and I love how she truly represents her culture. All the Hearts For Hearts girls have ethnically correct features, and wouldn't look out of place in her home country. In fact, if you took a collection of the most gorgeous little girls from India, Belarus, Laos, the USA, Mexico and Ethiopia, and turned them into dolls, you'd end up with Nahji, Lilian, Tipi, Del, Consuelo and Rahel, the Hearts For Hearts girls!
Here are some photos I took of Nahji. She is so pretty. Her hair is long and silky and lovely to comb, and she comes with the cutest outfit: pink tunic, lavender leggings, sandals, and tons of accessories.
Nahji's accessories include bangles, earrings, a headband, a nose ring, a comb, a small storybook, and a bracelet for her proud owner, The Pea. Unfortunately, Nahji's nose ring disappeared within a day of her arrival (it was just a stick-on), but we still have everything else. Nahji's gold bangles are so cute!
Check out the beautiful detail in her leggings. I also love the way they made Nahji's sandals look like flip flops (i.e. with a strap on her big toe) even though her plastic toes don't separate!
Like many Indian girls, Nahji has henna designs painted onto her hand. It really adds to the authentic look.
Did you notice something different about the photo above? That's right, Nahji has changed outfits! My BlogSpark also sent us a separate school outfit. Technically, it's supposed to be Rahel's school outfit (Rahel is the Hearts for Hearts girl from Ethiopia), but since all Hearts For Hearts Girls are the same size, it fits Nahji perfectly.
At first I was bummed that Hearts For Hearts Girls are just 14 inches, as opposed to the more popular 21 inch dolls. Since they're smaller, Nahji can't really share outfits with The Pea's other dolls. She looks so tiny compared to the other dolls -- but Alfie made a really good point, namely that I'm probably just used to the bigger dolls. When I look at Nahji on her own, she's just perfect. The Pea thinks so too!
Win a Hearts For Hearts Girl doll and outfit
My BlogSpark is giving one lucky Bonggamom Finds reader the chance to win a Hearts for Hearts Girl prize pack! The prize includes
* One Hearts For Hearts Girl, accompanied by a friendship bracelet, story booklet, donation for girls in need through partner World Vision and a special product code your daughter can use to unlock a free membership to the Hearts For Hearts Girls website, which provides access to the “myHeart” page and an array of games and activities.
* One Hearts For Hearts Girl doll outfit that is authentic to one of the Hearts for Hearts Girls’ culture
Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me which Hearts For Hearts Girl your daughter would most like to meet and learn more abou. This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.
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For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).
1) Subscribe to Bonggamom Finds updates by email (1 entry).
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3) Blog about this giveaway, making sure you include a link to the giveaway in your blog post (1 entry).
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I entered the Hearts For Hearts Girls giveaway!
5) Add the Bonggamom Finds blog button to your sidebar (1 entry).
6) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger/Google Friend Connect (1 entry).
7) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a Hearts For Hearts Girls doll and outfit! Enter at #giveaways
The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on October 25, 2011; I will draw 1 winner at random on October 26 and post the winner's name after he/she confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!
Disclosure: The Hearts For Hearts Girls doll, and information (in italics) have been provided by Playmates Toys through MyBlogSpark. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
120 Comments, Leave yours here:
Tipi from Laos :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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I'd love to get my daughter the Rahel from Ethiopia doll.
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We both love Dell. She is so beautiful and looks just like her! :)
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I wrote on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (Stephanie Phelps)
Consuelo would be a great choice.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
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My daughter would like Dell
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My daughter would like Dell from USA. Thanks.
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My daughter would love Nahgi, we are doing alot of research on India for a project....this would be perfect.
Sherpuck at mail dot com
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Sherry Puckett French
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Sherry Puckett French
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Sherpuck at gmail dot com
Rahel is the doll I would pick as I have two Ethiopian daughters!
fouragainsttwo @ gmail . com
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My daughter absolutely loves Tipi and has to stop and pick up the box every time we go to Target.
These dolls are so pretty. I'm sure my girls would like Consuela from Mexico.
lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com
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lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com!/mommasreviews/status/121330086216613888
we would like dell debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
nwb as debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
gfc debijackson debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
All of these dolls & outfits are
GORGEOUS! We would be happy to win
any of them - especially Rahel!
They're ALL BEAUTIFUL! However,
our favorites are Tipi, Consuelo
& Lilian!
Lilian from Belarus
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
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My daughter would like Consuelo so she can learn more about Mexico City. My grandfather is buried there.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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Lilian from Belarus
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i like raHEL
nannypanpan at
I think she will like Consuelo
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We love Tipi from Laos
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my granddaughter like nahji
daily tweet!/tmy56/status/126025135164628992
DDS would love to meet Lilian.!/jacksondeb/status/126233058063024129!/mommasreviews/status/126399157501046784
Lilian please
MANDATORY ENTRY: I think my daughter would most want DELL from the USA or CONSUELO from MEXICO.
kimbuckjr at yahoo dot com
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I blogged about this giveaway here...
kimbuckjr at yahoo dot com!/jacksondeb/status/127701281556008961
I think my late daughter would have loved Lilian. Although she was always grateful for anything!!/jacksondeb/status/128145995275046912!/jacksondeb/status/128583820084649984!/jacksondeb/status/128583820084649984
My daughter would liek the nahji from India doll. Ever since she saw an Indian wedding she has been fascinated with the culture.
We'd like Consuelo. We go to Mexico for vacation every other year.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com!/jacksondeb/status/128790228411482113
Congratulations to the winner: #78, Elena!
Congratulations to the winner: #78, Elena!
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