A couple of weeks ago I set foot in the Market Street Ross for the first time in almost 8 years, and boy has it changed! It still has four floors of awesome bargains, but it has been renovated, and it feels really nice and new.
Here's what I love best about the recently renovated Ross:
1) More efficient checkout. There are tons of checkout stands, each with a light that flashes to alert the next shopper in line to pay. A video monitor also indicates which checkout stand has just freed up, and when I was there, a greeter stood at the front of the line to make sure each shopper knew where to go.
2) Check out the cool mural in the photo above! Love that San Francisco cityscape!
3) The floors seem to be better organized, so you can find what you want more easily.
4) This Ross has the biggest stock of large-sized shoes that I have ever seen at any Ross store, ever! Normally the 10's, 11's and 12's are bunched up in a tiny little corner, but there is actually quite a decent selection at this store. Maybe it's because the women in San Francisco have bigger feet than in the Peninsula, or because there are more cross-dressers in San Francisco, but this is one BigFoot who is not complaining!
5) It goes without saying that the prices at Ross are fantastic. I was given a $50 giftcard to shop at the Ross San Francisco store, and I walked away with a pair of name-brand flip-flops, a pair of name-brand yoga pants, a sports bra, and a bamboo chopping board set! Try getting all of that for fifty bucks at any other place - ha. I don't need to go to any of the chi-chi shops at Union Square, because I can get real quality stuff just a short walk away at the Market Street Ross!
Disclosure:Ross invited me and other bloggers to the renovated Ross Dress for Less in San Francisco. Each blogger received a Ross Dress For Less gift card to use at the event. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
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