My thumb is blacker than black. I can barely keep a cactus alive! Still, every summer I try to grow a few vegetables or herbs -- and whatever manages to sprout never lasts the summer.
This year, I decided to involve the kids -- with a little help from the Miracle-Gro Kids ModPots set that was given to me for review.
The Basics
About ModPots:
Welcome to gardening with a modern twist! The Miracle-Gro Kids ModPots gardening set can be arranged again and again with snap-able, switchable plant pots. The ModPots set also includes Gro-Pod containers wtih Miracle-Gro Gro-Mix, seed packets, plant marking stakes, a planting stick, a Gro-Chart and plant care instructions. ModPots sets are available in both flower and vegetable varieties that can be combined to create an even more exciting garden design.
The Bongga
My kids really took to gardening with these ModPots! I have to admit, the fact that their grandmother was visiting may have had something to do with it -- she's an experienced gardener, and taught them now to germinate the seeds in the pots and care of the seedlings once they sprouted. But while Nana provided the expertise, ModPots provided the fun. The kids loved the brightly colored pots and cute little plant marking stakes (and I was thankful the kit came with multiple pots and seeds so each kid could "own" a plant).
They experimented with different layouts for the ModPots (you can snap them together in a variety of configurations) and decided to lay them out in a line so they could use our windowsill. They were so excited when their seeds sprouted:

It only took about 10 days or so. My mother'-in-law was surprised and impressed that it took so little time! I guess that's the Miracle-Gro potting mix for you. By the way, that photo was taken just over one month ago; take a look at these babies now!
They've outgrown their Miracle-Gro pots and are ready to go outside. I'm terrified these plants will die because I don't think I've ever grown a plant from seed to this advanced stage, but the kids seem to have it in hand. They water the plants and make sure they have enough space to grow. They even did the transplanting and staking! I'm happy to see them taking responsibility for growing these plants and happy to see their sense of accomplishment with each new leaf, stem and flower that sprouts.
And what of our ModPots? I've washed them off and they are on the gardening shelf in our garage, waiting for next year's vegetable garden!
The Blah
The ModPots do interlock -- but only "sort of". They do not actually snap together to become one unit. If you try to pick them up, they'll separate immediately (as we found out, to one poor little eggplant seedling's detriment).
The Bottom Line
Miracle-Gro Kids ModPots is a fun and easy way to introduce kids to gardening and keep them motivated and engaged throughout the whole growing process.
Disclosure:I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by Litzky PR and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
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