Here's more information about the app:
iTriage—the first healthcare information software product introduced by Healthagen, LLC is the brainchild of two emergency room physicians. After seeing a growing need for patients to have more actionable healthcare information in their hands, Drs. Peter Hudson and Wayne Guerra introduced iTriage to give healthcare consumers crucial information in acute care settings:
* Information on more than 300 symptoms, 1000 diseases and 350 medical procedure
* A nationwide directory of hospitals, urgent cares, retail clinics, pharmacies and physicians
* Turn-by-turn facility directions from GPS, IP address or zip code locations
* Nurse advice lines
* Detailed quality reports from HealthGrades on hospitals and physicians
* Help negotiating medical bills through an iTriage partnership with one of the most respected claims adjudication organizations
* Emergency Room Wait Times for hospitals in select parts of the country
Disclosure:This is a sponsored post via the Mom Bloggers Club. App information is provided by the featured company and is clearly indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
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