Want to win these chic earphones? Keep reading!
I love the ipod that Alfie gave me for Christmas last year, but I didn't really like the standard headphones they came with. What I really wanted were earbuds with good quality sound and retractable cords. That second criteria is especially important, because tangled earphones and cables is a pet peeve of mine. I really HATE having to fish through a drawerful of wires to get to my earphones! I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world with drawers like these:

You'd think that earphone manufacturers would have figured that out by now, right? I've been looking and looking, dropping by Best Buy or Target or any electronics section hoping they'd have earphones with retractable cords, but no dice.
*dramatic pause*
Until now. I first found out about chicBuds several months ago. As I hopped from blog to blog, I kept reading about bloggers raving about these cute, chic earbuds. When I saw the retractable cord, that was it: These are the perfect earphones. No tangles! No mess! And they're covered in pink Swarovski crystals to match my pink cellphone! So when chicBuds invited me to review their chicBuds and chicBuds JR. earphones, I felt like I had won the lottery.
These really are the perfect headphones. The sound quality is excellent and the cord is nice and sturdy. ChicBuds is the perfect name for them because they really are so cute. They are -- and this is the perfect term for it -- the most BONGGA fashion accessory ever. There are a whole bunch of different styles; we all love pink Swarovsky bling on our earbuds and the retractor. And I can't say enough about that retractor. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would NOT want retractable headphones! The built-in retractor eliminates tangles forever, and you can even adjust the cord to 5 different lengths so it works for everyone. Here's a short video of The Pea explaining how it works:
The cord winds around the retractor, so it can get a bit heavy -- but not to worry, there is a built-in clip so you can attach the retractor to your clothing or purse so there's no bothersome jiggle. That makes it great for working out, as you can see by this video of 3Po practicing his karate moves to the tune of Kung Fu Fighting:
And now that you've read through and endured my incessant raving of chicBuds, we've reached the giveaway portion of this post! Because you've read this blog and this review, you are now eligible to enter in the Blog Readers chicBud Giveaway! All you have to do is go to http://www.chicblvd.com/ and click on "Get ChicMail". When it asks you how you heard about chicBuds, check "Website" and enter the URL of this post:
Everyone who signs up from reading a review on a blog will be entered into a drawing that will be picked at the end of each month!! If your name is drawn you will win a set of chicBud earphones ($50.00 retail value). The winners will be contacted directly and announced on Twitter, so make sure you follow the chicBuds tweeps on Twitter:
It's that simple..... But Wait! If you buy chicBuds online, just enter the code chicBuds5 and you will receive $5.00 off your purchase. How chic is that?! Good luck with the drawing, everyone, and stay tuned for my review of chicBuds JR!
1 Comments, Leave yours here:
Hands Down the cutest review EVER!!! I'm tweetin it
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