When I told the kids we were going to make chicken nuggets for dinner, they didn't believe me. They didn't think anyone could actually make chicken nuggets; as far as they're concerned, chicken nuggets are shaped liked dinosaurs and come from a box (yes, it's a sad testimony to the food I feed my children).
But all 3 were game to try the Italian Picnic Chicken recipe from Taste This!, even when I warned them that it might be "slimy and icky". This recipe is the perfect illustration of why I like this cookbook. The ingredient list is short, you don't really need to follow measurements, and it's so easy that even a child could do it. And that's just what happened: the kids did it all. They had a blast crunching up the cornflakes, dipping the chicken tenders in salad dressing and dredging them in cornflake crumbs. And when they tasted it, The Pea proclaimed, "This tastes exactly like chicken nuggets!". So those Dino nuggets are now banished to the back of the freezer for emergencies.
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