Hi, all. I'm Bonggamom, and this is my review blog. love to shop, and I love a good bargain. I'm an opinionated old bid and I love to share all my great finds, which is why I started this blog in the first place. This is where you'll find my honest opinion on products for women, children, parents and families. From time to time I also run some pretty awesome giveaways, and in most cases all you have to do to enter is leave a comment!
Here's my "official" bio:
Despite attaining an MS from Stanford and an MBA from Harvard, Bonggamom is barely getting passing grades in her pursuit of an MFA (Masters in Family Administration) from the Universe-ity of Motherhood. Formerly in software product management, she is a stay-at-home parent to a daughter and twin boys, constantly looking for new ways to entertain them while doing as little housework as possible.
So why "bonggamom"? The word "bongga" (rhymes with "congga") is a Filipino term meaning glamorous in an ostentatious, outrageous, fabulous, over-the-top way. Bonggamom believes all moms can and should aspire to be bongga moms, but acknowledges that her own efforts to achieve such a state are hampered by her constantly stained jeans.
Here's how to contact me
Bonggamom in the (social) media

Want to know more about me?
Here are 100 random facts about me.
Here are six weird things about me.
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I also blog over at these sites:
Finding Bonggamom
Silicon Valley Moms Blog
Filipina Moms Blog
Being Savvy Silicon Valley
I've been interviewed here and there:
Interview on the San Francisco Chronicle, November 27, 2010
Interview on Girlfriendology.com , July 23, 2009
Interview by Shannon Dinglee on BlogTalkRadio.com, July 24, 2009
Interview by Maria Bailey on MomTV.com, July 25, 2009
Interview for Liberty Mutual's Responsibility Project, July 25, 2009
Featured on A Byte out of Life: Is Separating Twins Really the Answer, July 30, 2009
Panelist, Office Max Back-to-School Blogcast with Peter Walsh, August 6, 2009
Featured guest poster on TimeToPlay.com, August 24, 2009