And once again, MomSelect was right -- these toys are a hit! Toy Story 3 Action Links playsets are action playsets that kids can set up to perform a specified stunt. Play figures jump, spin, shoot and twirl, and when a stunt is completed, it triggers another one. You can even connect multiple playsets for one giant action sequence!

The stunts are based on action scenes from the Toy Story 3 movie, but even though my boys have not watched the movie, they love these toys. You don't need to know what happened in the movie to have fun seeing a tall pole (with Buzz Lightyear at the top) smash into Dr. Porkchop's car, which splits into 2 pieces. It's so much fun to see a little green alien travel on a conveyor belt, then fall into a pit that triggers a giant claw with Lotso Bear in its grasp, that swivels around and smack into Woody, who shoots into the air.... you get the picture. It's like a Hot Wheels stunt set with Toy Story 3 characters instead of cars, that you can actually play with after the stunt is completed.

But honestly, I don't think you need the whole huge shebang for your kids to have fun (that's the other thing -- the playsets don't pack up well, so get a big storage bin!). The kids had just as much fun setting up the stunts as they did after it was all set up and they settled back to watch the action -- which I really liked, because I'm not a fan of passive toys that do their thing while kids watch. For me, the real value in these playsets comes after the action has stopped and the kids have tired of watching the action, and want to create some action of their own. At that point, it becomes a Toy Story 3 playset and the kids' imagination takes over.
Disclosure: I received an assortment of Toy Story 3 Action Links playsets and play figures from MomSelect in order to host this party. I incurred all other party expenses (food, drink, etc...). I have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
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