I have exciting news: Jennifer James' Mom Bloggers Club has started recruiting members to do reviews! I recently participated in my first Mom Bloggers Club review, and it was a great one: we were sent a Libman Freedom Mop to try out and give away.
The Basics
The Libman Freedom Spray Mop eliminates the need for buckets because it has a spray bottle that you can fill with whatever cleaning solution you choose. Instead of a mop head, it has a reusable microfiber pad. The mop is available at retailers like Target, Kmart and Walmart, with a suggested retail price of $19.99 to $24.99. It is manufactured in the USA by the Libman Company, a 4th generation family owned company.
Here's more information about the Libman Freedom Spray Mop:
Detachable, 18 oz. cleaning solution bottle allows you to use and refill any solution you choose. Machine washable, scratch-free, deep cleaning pad provides a greener clean while saving you money. Self-powered solution sprayer with comfort fit trigger eliminates the need for batteries while letting you control how much solution you spray onto your floor.
The Bongga
I LOVE this mop!! It's so easy to use that I don't ever have to find excuses to mop the floors again. In fact, I probably won't ever have to mop the floors again, because I've now got lots of eager volunteers to do the mopping for me:

Seriously, the Libman Freedom Mop is the future of mopping. You know the Evolution of Man drawing? You know, this one:
* No more buckets of dirty water!
I love the idea of attaching a spray bottle to the mop! That way you don't have to lug around a bucket of dirty water. The spray bottle is detachable, so it's easy to refill, and the same hand that holds the mop controls the spray trigger, which makes it easy to use.
* No more icky-sticky chemicals!
I love that I'm not tied to a particular cleaner -- I can pour whatever I want into the spray bottle. I can choose to use plain warm water, which works best for our hardwood floors, and for trickier cleanups I add a bit of soap or eco-friendly cleaner. Then I can empty out the bottle, refill it with water and mop up the area to rinse it out.
* No more disgusting mop head!
I've always thought using a mop left the floor dirtier than ever, because mop heads are so difficult to clean. You try wringing out all the dirty water from a mop, it's next to impossible! But the Freedom Mop has a removable microfiber pad that's easy to clean.
* No more wasteful disposable pads!
I've always felt somewhat guilty when mopping the floor with disposable cleaning wipes -- they put all sorts of chemicals on our hardwood floors, clog landfills and cost lots of money to boot. But I can throw the Freedom Mop's reusable pad in the wash, or wash it in the kitchen sink, and voila, it's clean again and ready to (re)use.
The Blah
The line of green plastic fibers on the microfiber pad are hard and scratchy and unravel mercilessly. I'm not sure what purpose they serve, the white microfiber material seems great all by itself.
The Bottom Line
I highly recommend the Libman Freedom Spray Mop for anyone who wants a quick, easy, cost-effective, eco-friendly way to mop up their floors.
Win a Libman Freedom Spray Mop
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win a Libman Freedom Spray Mop!
Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me what part of the house you would clean with the Libman Freedom Spray Mop if you won it. This entry must be completed before extra entries qualify.
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For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).
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3) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Libman Freedom Spray Mop giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/2e4sdpr
4) Leave a comment on the Libman Company Facebook Page, telling them that Bonggamom sent you and which of their products you would most like to try (1 entry).
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6) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day, leave a comment with the tweet link for each tweet):
Win a Libman Freedom Spray Mop from @bonggafinds http://tinyurl.com/2e4sdpr #giveaways
The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on October 21, 2010; I will draw a winner at random on October 22 and post the winner's name after the winner confirms acceptance. US addresses only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!
Disclosure: As a reviewer for the Mom Bloggers Club, I was sent a complimentary Libman Freedom Spray Mop. I was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
214 Comments, Leave yours here:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»I would clean all rooms with hardwood and tile which is around 85 percent of our house
I'd definitely use it on the bathrooms, especially the one my 4-year-old son uses...
I would clean every room. We have hard wood and tile throughout
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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I would use it to clean the kitchen and bathroom. The rooms in the house that get the messiest.
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
the kitchen... no bucket... this might actually be fun! lol
Tawnda M. Wrote on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page
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I think I would mop the bathroom first.
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I would clean my kitchen first.
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I would clean my kitchen floor!
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i would use my new libman mop in the kitchen, and bathrooms(3)
I would clean the kitchen floor.
I would clean my kitchen first.
GFC follower joy.bennett
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I would use this awesome Libman mop in my kitchen and bathroom!
I would use it for my kitchen, laundry room, and bathrooms. I would "let" my 5 year old and 7 year old take turns cleaning the floor. Oh happy day!
I would use it in every room of our house. We have no carpet in any of our rooms, so dragging a mop and bucket to every room of the house is a pain. Especially when it comes to nasty mop heads.
The whole apartment--it's all hardwood.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
My house has cermic tile floors so I can use it in all my rooms
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
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Would be cleaning the foyer and kitchen floors
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(Tamara Bennington)
I would clean the kitchen, dining room, bathrooms and lanai.
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I would use this mop in my kitchen, hallway and both bathrooms
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I would clean my kitchen floor with the Libman Freedom Spray Mop
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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Kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms have very little carpet in my new to me 1906 home
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I would clean the floors in the family room and the tile in the kitchen.
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com
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amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
I'd use this for every room of the house -- we have all hardwood and vinyl.
I would use this in my kitchen first with the entry way, bathrooms and laundry room soon to follow!
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I would use this mop to clean my hardwood floors and tile in my house.
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
Sweet blog and thanks for the giveaway!
I would love, love, LOVE to win this!
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
I would clean our kitchen and bathrooms! Love this product!
I'd use it on the kitchen and bathroom! What a great mop!
aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com
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I'd love to use this for the hardwood floors throughout the house!
patricia [dot] mariani [dot] esq [at] gmail [dot] com
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I would use it to clean the bathroom floors
I have a small apartment with all tile floors, so I could use this everywhere.
I would clean the kitchen and bathroom with it. Thanks.
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I'd clean my kitchen floor if I won.
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I would use this on all my floors. They are all wood. Thanks for the chance to win this. I love it. ybutler@oppcatv.com
I quoted on Bonggamom Facebook that I entered the Libman Freedom Spray Mop giveaway http://tinyurl.com/2e4 sdpr
I entered the Libman Company on Faceboiok and told them that Bonggamom sent me and what products you would like to try. ybutler@oppcatv.com
i would clean my kitchen with this
All my tile floors.
The first room I would clean would be my kitchen lezanac@yahoo.com
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I would use it to clean my entryway.
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amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
I would clean my kitchen floor with this mop
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I would use it in my kitchen and bathroom, thanks!
I would use on kitchen,bathrooms and entry floors.
I would clean my kitchen floors
Diane Baum
Since my whole house is hardwood floors except the bedrooms, it would get used everywhere!
paradise459 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
It would get the most use in the kitchen.
I would use this in my whole house. I only have 1 bedroom that is carpeted. :)
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
I subscribed to your e mail.
I would use this on all my floors that need to be mopped. I have Fibromyalgia and it is difficult to get down on my knees to mop. dpschad@yahoo.com
aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com
I'd use it to clean the kitchen floors. Most everywhere else is carpeted.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
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I just moved into a house with all linoleum floors... It's a nightmare! So I could really use this to clean my whole house.
This would go to use in our kitchen.
I follow you on Networked Blogs - Breanne T
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I'll be doing my kitchen and bathrooms. Thanks for the contest.
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My kitchen/dining area
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I entered the Libman Freedom Spray Mop giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/2e4sdpr
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love the fact that you can use any floor solution!
I would clean my kitchen and hallway
floors with the Libman Freedom Spray Mop
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I'd use this fab mop in the kitchen, bathrooms and the den.
I would use this to clean my kitchen and bathrooms.
This would be used for my kitchen, bathroom, and mudroom!
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
http://twitter.com/tawndam/status/28027981281 ♫tweet♫ ...made it back for the end... tawndam at hotmail.com sry... twitter decided that I had too many fav tweets... :-(
I would use the mop to clean the kitchen, bathroom, and downstairs.
i would use it to clean the kitchen and bathrooms
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Our whole house is linoleum so I would use it everywhere.
kgrant77 at gmail.com
id first tackle my kitchen this mop looks great :)
wrote on your wall kathy l pease
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i would clean kitchen, the room where we spend a lot of time
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I fall goes well tomorrow I will close on a house with all tile floors!!..I would have to say I would use it in all the rooms but the kitchen and bath(different mops for each of those)
I am a follower on Networked Blogs1
i would clean dining area and a family room
I would clean our entry hall which is always a mess with muddy shoes, dog tracks and everything/one else that comes in the house!
I have sealed hardwood floor on most of my main level including my kitchen and half bath (what was I thinking?!?) and would love to win this to clean them. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
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Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com
the kitchen floor,the bathroom floors
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I would mop the kitchen, bathrooms, and front entryway. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
Email subscriber. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks for the giveaway...a Libman Freedom Spray Mop would be perfect for our daily kitchen floor cleanup !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Left a comment on the Libman Company Facebook Page: Bryan Eason
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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