If you can't find (or afford) to take your child to local ballet recitals, you can always find classical ballet DVDs at the library or on public television. There are ballet shows geared towards young children, and one of the cutest, sweetest ones is the Angelina Ballerina series. Kids love watching Angelina Mouseling as she dances her way to becoming a big star! Angelina has been a popular book and tv character for quite a while, and now kids can watch her on PBS in Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps, which is a re-imagination of the classic Angelina Ballerina series done in full CG animation.
You can read my review of Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps here (and enter to win an Angelina Ballerina book!).
Here's a brief description of the new series:
Based on the original best-selling children's book series by author Katharine Holabird and illustrator Helen Craig, Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps follows the now 8-year-old Angelina as she embarks on the next stage in her life at a performing arts school, Camembert Academy. This new series finds Angelina making new friends and experiencing various forms of music and dance including ballet, modern, tap, jazz, opera, ballroom, and hip hop, as well as ethnic music and dance from around the world. In addition, each episode includes Camembert's Shining Stars, a live-action interstitial featuring talented young performers who demonstrate their love of music and dance.
And here are a couple of videos from Angelina's YouTube channel:
Win an Angelina Ballerina tshirt
Two lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win an Angelina Ballerina tshirt!
(and don't forget, I have another Angelina Ballerina giveaway -- you could win an Angelina Ballerina book to go with the shirt!)
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It's ballet recital season! Enter to win an Angelina Ballerina tshirt (2 winners!) at @bonggafinds www.bonggamom.com #giveaway
8) Enter the Angelina Ballerina book giveaway (1 entry).
The Rules
This giveaway ends at midnight PST on June 20, 2010; I will draw a winner at random on June 21 and post the winner's name after the winner confirms acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!
Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.
66 Comments, Leave yours here:
we love angelina ballerina and wear a 5t!! I like hip hop and poplocking. i follow youon facebook and twitter.
me personally i like to waltz with my husband
I like zumba or salsa
arobimom at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/monkeygrl59/status/15448873142. Tweet.
arobimom at gmail dot com
email subscriber
arobimom at gmail dot com
Entered the book giveaway
arobimom at gmail dot com
I'd say belly dancing it pretty neat.
I love to watch my 4yo daughter perform ballet with her dance class....good news is she wears a 5t!
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Entered book giveaway.
http://twitter.com/monkeygrl59/status/15522872840. Tweet. arobimom at gmail dot com
I love Irish dancing! I'll check out the new DVD for my daughter, too.
histtheo1 at yahoo dot com
...and I entered the Angelina book giveaway, too.
...and I'm a follower.
I like polka!
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entered Angleina book giveaway
I like the jitterbug!
We love jazz and ballet.
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I entered the book giveaway
This is not very refined but I love watching break dancing. It amazes me how they can move like that!
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6/10 http://twitter.com/phxbne/status/15858782411
My daughter currently takes ballet and tap lessons, and I am looking forward to her experiencing jazz.
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I am a tribal fusion belly dancer. Next year when my daughter turns 2, I will be teaching her alot more along with putting her in gymnastics.
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I wrote on Angelina Ballerina's facebook wall.
6/15 http://twitter.com/phxbne/status/16262586362
6/16 http://twitter.com/phxbne/status/16338922254
My niece took Jazz Dance lessons this year, and the dance recital was so much fun! I hope to start my daughter in some lessons in the fall. Thanks!
I used to be a dance instructor and my favorite dance style has always been pointe.
I like Line Dancing
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
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ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I entered the Angelina Ballerina book giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I like salsa.
My favorite is hip hop.
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My favorite dance style is hip hop but my daughter wants to be a ballerina. She is always doing twirls. I think she will love this shirt and she's in 4T now so it will be perfect for her in the fall.
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My favorite is square dancing.
I like ballet since all the terms are in French.
Main: My fav dance style is hip hop. I wish i knew how to do it, lol! Now that I have a daughter, I can't wait to put her in dance class. I'm probably gonna wait til she's about 4 or 5 due to her rowdy behavior, lol!
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I Like Angelina Ballerina on FB and wrote the required post on her wall!
I Like u on FB and wrote the required post on your wall!
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also entering the book giveaway
Congratulations to the winners:
#43, ReggieMann
#47, AEKZ2
Thanks to everyone for entering!
Thanks for choosing me as the winner of the Black T-Shirt :)
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