My current list of sponsors:

The premiere blogging conference of the year, BlogHer 2010, is just five months away, and every blogger wants to be there! Official conference sponsorships and exhibitor booths may be out of your budget, but you can still make your presence felt at BlogHer with me to represent you. I'm seeking sponsorship to this year's BlogHer conference and I'm hoping we can help each other out.
What can I do for you?
I'll be the face of your company before, during and after the BlogHer conference. Whether you're introducing a new product, increase your brand awareness or looking to expand your network of bloggers, I can help. I hang out with some pretty amazing bloggers -- I write for the Silicon Valley Moms Blog, the Savvy Source, and Yahoo! Motherboard. I'm a member of MomSelect, Team Mom, BlogHer Reviewers and BlogHer Family Connections, and I've been invited to some pretty exclusive blogging events, such as last year's Ford Ride and Drive, Disney Mom Blogger weekend, and Time To Play Winter Showcase. I plan to be out there nonstop, mingling with great bloggers, meeting new ones, seeing and being seen -- and if you sponsor me, you'll be seen right along with me. And I'll make sure that everyone who stops by my blog, follows me on Twitter and fans me on Facebook will know who you are and what you do.
What do I need?
I realize times are difficult and every marketing dollar counts, so I'm not looking for sponsorship to cover anything except the bare necessities. I've already got my BlogHer conference pass, and I figure I still have to feed myself whether I attend the conference or not -- but I do need help covering the cost of my plane ticket from San Francisco to New York ($350) and a hotel room for 3 nights ($199/night = $600).
How can you help?
Let me represent your company at BlogHer 2010! You can book my services via an exclusive sponsorship (available until April 8, or until I obtain a partial sponsor) or on a partial basis -- In-Kind, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum levels (available after April 8). Below is a description of sponsorship levels and benefits:
note: I apologize in advance that I cannot offer to pass out sponsor materials or swag bags during the conference as it is prohibited by BlogHer this year.
Bronze Sponsorship - $25 and up (available after April 8, 2010)
- Your text link in a special "BlogHer 2010 Sponsors" section, located on the sidebar of my personal blog, Finding Bonggamom, from time of sponsorship until August 30, 2010.
- Your text link in a special "BlogHer 2010 Sponsors" section, located on the sidebar of my review blog, Bonggamom Finds, from time of sponsorship until August 30, 2010.
- Your text link on this "Be Seen at BlogHer 2010" post, which is accessible via special navigation tabs on the Finding Bonggamom and Bonggamom Finds blogs, from time of sponsorship until August 8, 2010.
- Your text link in a special "Meet My BlogHer Sponsors" post, which will be posted in July 2010 on Bonggamom Finds. This post will be a sticky post which will remain at the top of the Bonggamom Finds home page until August 8, 2010.
Silver Sponsorship - $50 and up (available after April 8, 2010)
- Your 125 x 125 logo in a special "BlogHer Sponsors" section, located on the sidebar of my personal blog, Finding Bonggamom, from time of sponsorship until August 30, 2010.
- Your 125 x 125 logo in a special "BlogHer Sponsors" section, located on the sidebar of my review blog, Bonggamom Finds, from time of sponsorship until August 30, 2010.
- Your 125 x 125 logo on this "Be Seen at BlogHer 2010" post, which is accessible via special navigation tabs on the Finding Bonggamom and Bonggamom Finds blog, from time of sponsorship until August 8, 2010.
- Your 125 x 125 logo in a special "Meet My BlogHer Sponsors" post, which will be posted in July 2010 on Bonggamom Finds. This post will be a sticky post which will remain at the top of the Bonggamom Finds home page until August 8, 2010.
Gold Sponsorship - $100 and up (available after April 8, 2010)
All the benefits of a Silver Sponsorship, plus:
- A one-paragraph description of your company and product or service in a special "Meet My BlogHer Sponsors" Post, which will be posted in July 2010 on Bonggamom Finds. This post will be a sticky post which will remain at the top of the Bonggamom Finds home page until August 8, 2010.
- Your text link in three posts on Finding Bonggamom, devoted to the BlogHer 2010 experience - Before, During and After - crediting you as a Gold Sponsor.
- Weekly mention in special #BlogHer2010 #followfriday tweet from time of sponsorship until August 8, 2010.
- Your company logo printed on a shirt that I will wear during conference hours (8:00AM - 4:00PM) of Day 1 *OR* Day 2 of BlogHer (deadline to avail of this benefit: May 30, 2010).
- Ad space on Bonggamom Finds for a year! Your text link in the "Bongga Sponsors" section from time of sponsorship until 1 year later.
Platinum Sponsorship - $300 and up (available after April 8, 2010)
All the benefits of a Gold Sponsorship, plus:
- Your text link in three posts on Finding Bonggamom, devoted to the BlogHer 2010 experience - Before, During and After - crediting you as a Platinum Sponsor.
- A review of your product or service on Bonggamom Finds, the week before BlogHer 2010.
- Weekly #followfriday tweet devoted exclusively to your company, from time of sponsorship until August 8, 2010.
- Your company logo printed on a shirt that I will wear during conference hours (8:00AM - 4:00PM) of Day 1 *AND* Day 2 of BlogHer (deadline to avail of this benefit: May 30, 2010).
- Ad space on Bonggamom Finds for a year! Your 125 x 125 logo in the "Bongga Sponsors" section from time of sponsorship until 1 year later.
- Premium ad space on Bonggamom Finds for a year! Your 125 x 125 logo in the "Featured Sponsors" section from time of sponsorship until 1 year later.
Full Sponsorship: $950 -- available until April 8, 2010, or until I receive a partial sponsorship
If you become my exclusive BlogHer 2010 sponsor, there'll be no need to share the limelight with any other company! You'll get sole rights to association with Bonggamom Finds for BlogHer 2010 (with the exception of in-kind sponsors). You'll get all Platinum Sponsorship benefits plus:
- Inclusion of your company logo on the business cards that I will pass out to people at BlogHer (this is not prohibited at this year's BlogHer conference).
- Daily #BlogHer2010 tweets mentioning your company from August 1 - August 5, 2010 and August 8 - August 9, 2010.
- Live tweeting at #BlogHer2010 mentioning your company, three times per day on August 6 and August 7, 2010.
- Three of your company's Press Releases to be posted on Bonggamom Finds, at any time until 1 year from time of sponsorship.
- Special product giveaway to be conducted at BlogHer, if desired.
- Guest post on your blog, if desired.
- I'm open to ideas, let's talk!
In-Kind Sponsorships
I know I said I wouldn't ask for help for anything except the bare necessities.... but.... hey, a girl's gotta look good, right? So if you are a clothing or shoes or handbag or accessories company, interested in showcasing your products at BlogHer 2010, let's talk about my wearing your products at the BlogHer conference and various BlogHer social events!
What's in it for you? You'll get all the benefits of a Silver Sponsorship plus a review post on Bonggamom Finds of whatever item you send for me to wear at BlogHer 2010. Naturally, I'll mention your company any time there's a discussion about what to wear to BlogHer 2010, and every time someone at the conference compliments me on your product!
Please contact me at if you are interested in any sponsorship level or if you have any other ideas you'd like to incorporate. Thank you for considering a sponsorship for Bonggamom to BlogHer 2010!
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