I tell you, humans are incredible beings. Humans invented the wheel. The airplane. Twitter. And now this -- Mabel's Labels new Invisible Sticky Labels. How cool is that? A label that's invisible to the human eye! It becomes visible only when you touch it. Don't ask me how -- they say it's some kind of laser technology -- all I know is that when I received my review sample of Invisible Sticky Labels to try out, they looked just like blank labels (note: make sure you don't accidentally print on them!). Yes, they're a bit difficult to peel and stick but they're just so COOL. They'd look great stuck on a row of nice, neat canisters, don't you think? So minimalist! And if you want to find out what's inside them, just touch the label to find out!

I was so lucky to have received sample of these hi-tech labels to try, but now someone else is going to get lucky too: Mabel's Labels is giving away a free pack of Invisible Sticky Labels to one lucky Bonggamom Finds reader. Here's how to enter:
Click here to see a photo of me showing off my new Mabel's Label's labels, then come back here and leave a comment telling me what you think. This must be completed in order to qualify for an extra entry.
You get one extra entry for tweeting this contest (leave a separate comment with the link to your tweet). Please use the following tweet:
Hi-tech Mabel's Labels giveaway from @bonggafinds and @mabelhood http://tw2.us/e0 pls RT!
Hurry, this giveaway ends April 7, 2009; I will pick a winner at random and announce the winner's name on April 8.
21 Comments, Leave yours here:
Oh! Me! Me! I want some. How cool. Now I can secretly label my candy stash and let my family think it's something boring like flour! Ha!
I REALLY want Invisible Labels
Oh, my turn to win! :)
i'd love them sinse i have x-ray vision mverno@roadrunner.com
I love these labels, there's nothing worst than not being able to see what's inside a jar because the label is not only too big but is a solid white block.
great way you organized the items with the labels- its out of sight
LABELS??? come on, serious? Thats the prize? Give me a break and get a life
i label my mail and that's about it.i need to get organized though and label what i put in boxes.
Oh, very funny. YOu got me!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Very funny!!!
Those are the coolest! ;)
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
I could use some labels. And a laugh. :))
wait until you get complaints about not receiving this from the winner!
madamerkf at aol dot com
Invisible labels are perfect! That way the kids won't know what's in the containers! I'd love them ;)
This "giveaway" is now closed. Thanks to everyone for playing along!
GREAT idea such nice labels.
Wow I think you're amazing and you got me and thats no April fools joke ha ha. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
Tweet - http://twitter.com/skyxsky27/status/1472934644
They look so cool count me in!!!
great!! it's so funny..
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