Capri-Sun Sunrise is Making Every Day Better for moms and kids -- and they're going to make one lucky reader's day even better with a $250 VISA gift card! Read on to find out how to enter.
Is it morning already? Mornings are not my strong suit. My kids are up with the sun, but I stay in bed until I absolutely have to get up. I jump out of bed between 7:15 and 7:20, get dressed, get The Pea up and dressed, get breakfast, pack everyone's lunch, and walk The Pea to school. We have to be out the door by 8:00AM, so it's all a rush rush rush! My morning routine is like a finely-tuned precision instrument: throw a cog in it (like discovering we've run out of juice or realizing that The Pea didn't do her homework the night before), and everything falls apart.
So I gladly agreed to try and review Capri-Sun's great new option for streamlining my kids' breakfast: Sunrise, a new breakfast juice drink .
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wow i love to get in on this add me on in thanks i just found you to day thanks
I would like to win!
I like to put in earplugs on the weekends because everyone wants to mow their lawns EARLY in the morning which is the only time one gets to sleep in.
Be consistant and stick to a morning routine.
My morning is a mess. Alarm goes off and I snooze. Repeat. Repeat again. I can't imagine how I'll be able to do this with the addition of a little one. Will I ever get to work again?
I have my alarm clock in front of the bed so I have to get out to shut it off and go straight in the shower, every day....I am ready and out within 30 minutes.
Like clockwork.
kids are grown life is in no hurry now and life is good
I've got the shower and makeup down to 5 minutes each. Drive thru Starbucks and I'm at work. Fast and efficient.
a schedule must be in place and then adhered to in order for the morning to be an efficient one!
timgus at cox dot net
Picking out clothes the night before is a must do for a smooth running morning. Also, cooking a breakfast filled with mouth savory aroma is the only way I can get the little ones out of bed, cinnamon rolls, bacon, maple syrup, anything that stimulates there senses, gets them out of bed much easier!
i need my calinetics
We do as much as we can the evening before (pack lunches, lay out clothing, etc.)
One thing that worked well for me when my kids were younger was to plan breakfast the night before and feed them what they liked to eat - green eggs and ham, pizza, fried rice, leftover chicken, whatever. A much better way to start the day off right than insisting they had to eat something they didn't want.
Make sure the backpacks are packed the night before and clothes are ready to go. A lost shoe or book in the morning can throw the whole day off.
sc2466 at
My mornings are a time for me to relax. I get dressed, eat, than I sit on my porch, and read a book. Than I start getting ready for work. Thanks.
The Devil's in the details. Get as much done the night before, clothing laid out. Be firm but fair - allow for some flexibility but get tough if it's excessive. Physically remove them from their beds if necessary to get them moving.
wow, great contest
ours is pretty easy except for getting time enough for a shower! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
The kids are out of the house, so my morning routine is a cup of coffee and the newspaper. Thanks for this offer.
For us the more that can be done the night before, clothes, lunches etc. the smoother the morning goes! Thanks!
keep it simple. eat, brush, clothes, and out.
dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com
I try to have everything ready the night before: coffee pot, clothings, paperwork so I do not waste time in the morning!
I follow blog as kngmckellar.
im a very slow waker and it annoys me more than my kiddo to wake up by alarm lol i live for summers, weekends and vacations
Rise and shine, get a cup of coffee, eat some breakfast, take a shower, shave and head out for the day! Simple but effective.
My morning routine is to get my coffee, take a shower and then have breakfast
My mornng routine is wake up, make breakfast, wake my family up and then get the children ready and then myself.
i live in an apartment complex and with all the remodeling going on,,it is not easy to get a full nights sleep. they tend to want to start at 7 am, i am usually up till 2am.
so I get a rude awakening each morning and end up taking a nap later
My mornings are hectic! I try to get up at least 30 minutes before everyone else so I can have at least a "moment of silence" before the day begins!
Wake up with a cat that thinks your his personal "Rock Star". Great days are here.
Make sure u plan outfits the night before
After I get up, I get dressed, feed the cats, and have something to eat.
everyone gets up, eats breakfast, gets dressed, grabs the already made lunches, and gets out the door!
After I wake up, I will stay in bed and try to actually wake up. Then I will have some breakfast. Usually after that, I'll take a shower.
I relax as I am readying for the day! Never panic or be anxious = just breathe slowly and things will go smooth!
Barbara Rawe
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