My siblings and I had a Play-Doh Mega Fun Factory when we were kids, but it was nothing like this latest version. The Mega Fun Factory isn't just an extruder or a stamper, it's literally a factory. It even has its own battery-powered conveyor belt! Kids can stamp their Play-Doh into toy and candy shapes as it travels down the belt (at a nice, steady pace that's slow enough for little kids) using the included rolling-wheel stampers that snap onto the playset. One wheel stamps out toy shapes and another wheel stamps out candy shapes so kids can pretend to be running a toy or candy factory.

Required entry:
Leave a comment on this post and tell me your child's favorite Play-Doh playset, or share your favorite Play-Doh memory. This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.
Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment on this post for each extra entry, with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, blog comment link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).
1) Grab my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways button and post it up on your blog (1 entry).
2) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook wall (1 entry):
I entered Day 8 of the 12 Days of Christmas giveaways on Bonggamom Finds! http://tinyurl.com/bonggaxmas
3) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry).
4) Tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day, leave a comment with the tweet link for each tweet):
Day 8 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways on @bonggafinds: enter to win a Play-Doh Mega Fun Factory! Ends Jan. 13 http://tinyurl.com/bonggaxmas #giveaway
5) Join any of my other 12 Days of Christmas giveaways (leave a comment with the name of the giveaway you joined, 1 entry per giveaway you've joined).
This giveaway ends at midnight PST on January 13, 2011; I will draw a winner at random on January 14 and post the winner's name as soon as the winner confirms acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!Disclaimer: I received a Play-Doh Mega Fun Factory set to review. Thanks to Litzky PR for the review sample and for providing a second set as a giveaway prize! The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
234 Comments, Leave yours here:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 234 Newer› Newest»i loved play-doh when I was little. I used to like making mini food items! :)
lauren51990 at aol dot com
gfc follow
lauren51990 at aol dot com
My daughter is just discovering Play Doh, and her current favorite is a mickey mouse shaped cookie cutter that I gave to her for her PlayDoh!
I entered the Leap Frog giveaway
My kids love making pretend food with play-do, like the PLAY-DOH Picnic Mini Bucket.
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways button is on our blog here: http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com/
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/21386827214618624
I also entered the Leapster Explorer Camera giveaway.
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
I also entered the Playmobil (day 2) giveaway.
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
I also entered the Coveryourhair.com giveaway.
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
I also entered the Kymaro giveaway.
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
My youngest is 11 and he still loves to play with play-doh!
My 4 year olds favorite is her playdoh dr dentist wilcarvic
My favorite is the PLAY-DOH CREATIONS 3D FLASH ART Playset. Thanks.
follow your blog
I didn't play with play-doh much when I was a child but my daughter loves to play with play-doh now and she is 17 years old.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
entered the Beyblade giveaway
Wrote on fb wall for day 8.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
Entered day 3 of giveaways.
I picked up the PLAY-DOH Spider Halloween Trick or Treat Bag which contains 20 small tubs. I bring a couple of fresh tubs out whenever the grandkids visit and just toss out the multi-color mix of bits and pieces that are left when they leave :o).
I wrote on your fb wall.
The PLAY-DOH COCO-NUTTY MONKEY Playset looks like fun.
I follow on GFC.
entered Beyblade
entered Blazor
entered Playmobil
entered Leapster
I entered Day 9: Body Slimming prize pack from Kymaro
Tweet for today. http://twitter.com/#!/slmiresse/status/21712749629280256
My kids would love the Play Doh Magic Swirl Ice Cream Shoppe.
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Follow on Blogger
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Entered Kymaro giveaway
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
I like Spaghetti Factory
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
Entered day 1
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
Entered day 2
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
Entered day 3
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
Entered day 5
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
Entered day 6
jdrombo AT yahoo DOt com
Entered day 7
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
I like Picnic Mini Bucket
natatheangel at yahoo dot com
my son would love the shape and spin elmo
have your Christmas button
follow in blogger
wrote on your wall
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/21811527384305664
entered leap frog giveaway
entered playmobil
entered cover your hair
entered kymaro underthings
entered blazor robot
entered nerf
entered beyblade
entered kymaro slimming
My son loves making burgers with his playdoh set!
Day 7: Beyblade Super Vortex Battle Set
I entered Day 6: Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6 blaster
I entered Day 5: Blazor robot dinosaur
I entered Day 3: Hair Accessories
I entered Day 2: Playmobil Take-Along Pirates Dungeon
Day 1: Leapster Explorer Camera and Video Recorder
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/21952057833426945
My daughter's favorite playset is the PLAY-DOH SESAME STREET Fun Shapes Bucket.
I left the comment/link on Bonggamom Finds' FB page under username Jennie Tilson.
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/22175725926744064
entered Kymaro Curve Control Jeans
I entered the robo dinosaur contest and the nerf gun contest for my boys.All 4 of my children love to play with play dough and making shapes great for sensory therapy. My girls really like pretending with it.
I entered Day 10 Kymaro Curve Control Jeans
Tweet. http://twitter.com/#!/slmiresse/status/22299409001742336
My daughters just like to see how creative they can be with all the different colors of playdoh.
My son just has a play doh stamp set and he loves it. He would love a more elaborate set to play with his play doh.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/22489322691239937
I also entered the Kymaro Body Slimming Prize pack giveaway. (day 9)
entered day 1 wilcarvic
entered day 2 wilcarvic
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/22532100011855873
entered day 11 Essential Underthings prize pack
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/22690155835953152
Entered Day 4: Essential Underthings prize pack -- from Kymaro
Entered Day 11, Essential Underthings prize pack -- from Kymaro
Tweet. http://twitter.com/#!/slmiresse/status/22706529148870656
My daughter really likes the Play Doh Cake Makin set
I wrote on your facebook wall (Becky Horn)
I follow you on Blogger
I tweeted
I entered to win the Playmobil Take-Along Pirates Dungeon
I entered the Blazor robot dinosaur giveaway
I entered the Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6 blaster giveaway
I entered to win the Beyblade Super Vortex Battle Set giveaway
I entered to win the Leapster Explorer Camera & Video Recorder giveaway
My favorite thing about play doh is the smell- nothin' like opening a fresh can of play doh!
pjames330 at aol dot com
Entered the leapster giveaway
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered playmobile #2
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered #3 cover your hair
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered #4 kymaro
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered #5 blazor
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered #6 nerf n strike
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered #7 beyblade
pjames330 at aol dot com
My son's favorite play doh set is a burger maker one! Thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
I am a blog follower
Tweeted at
Entered the Beyblade giveaway
Entered the Nerf n strike giveaway
Entered the leapster camera giveaway
Entered the playmobil giveaway
Entered the cover your hair giveaway
Entered Blazor dinosaur giveaway
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/22889623264956416
entered day 12
Entered Day 12: Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony
entered My Little Pony
1/6 tweet at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/23234645457899521
Entered my little pony/pet shop giveaway
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/23395480683679744
1/7 tweet at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/23523872489873408
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/23784633183248384
entered kymaro #9
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered kymaro jeans #10
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered kymaro #11
pjames330 at aol dot com
entered girl toys #12
pjames330 at aol dot com
My favorite Play Doh memory, or actually just the most vivid, is of a kid making a piece of Play Doh into what looked like a piece of gum and some kid on the bus ate it. Lol. I was five so I wasn't sure what to think but that's one of the memories of Play Doh I have.
Todays tweet. http://twitter.com/#!/slmiresse/status/24089559528644609
My kindergarten class loves playing with playdough. Although some try to eat it....
We like the cake makin' station.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/24288456108679168
PLAY-DOH MAGIC SWIRL Ice Cream Shoppe Playset
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I used to make "food" with my play dough and serve it on my dishes. My favorite "dish" was hot dogs. Two colors and a little shaping and you had lunch for your dolls.
1bmore @ gmail .com
I love the "dentist" play-doh set the best. You could fill teeth with a play-doh filling or pull out play-doh teeth. Very gruesome!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
GFC Follower ~ mindie
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Entered the Kymaro Curve Control Jeans giveaway.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Entered the iLoveRobots Blazor dino raptor giveaway.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
My daughter loves the ice cream set.
My daughter likes the Playdoh set that is a beauty salon, where you can squeeze the hair out then give it a trim. I have great memories of playing this with her when she was two.
My sons fave Playdoh set he got for Christmas is the octopus playset
I follow on GFC agatewood1
I follow on twitter @shuggysmommy
Last Thanksgiving I was sick, so my daughter made a play-doh turkey, "cran sauce", and "mash tatoes" in play bowls for me. It was nice to know my 5 yr old was willing to step up whenmommy was down -- lol.
My grandson likes the R2D2 Star Wars Play Doh set!
my daughter would love the cake makin station!
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo
posted on FB
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo
My great grandsons favorite is PLAY-DOH Puppies Playset
I always loved making play-doh 'cookies'-rolling them out, cutting them with shaped cutters, then letting them dry out!
My daughter still loves her ice cream maker set.
Thanks for the chance.
my kids love the dentist set with the big head,..or the hair cut barber chair one
1/10 tweet at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/24579721102622720
My granddaughter would love the Play-doh cake makin' Station playset.
iridia718 at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/slmiresse/status/24647080924413952
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/slmiresse/status/24647080924413952
I love Play Doh and REAL play doh not the cheap stuff! lol I just to love making hot dogs and playing restaraunt for my parents! :)
follow you on blogger
Entered the beyblade giveaway!
My favorite Play Doh memory was making fake snakes
I entered the Nerf N Strike giveaway
I used playdoh to "bake" before I could officially bake :)
a burger maker one!
The spaghetti set looks fun too.
love the super craft caddy
I was very pick with Playdough as a kid. I liked mine kept clean and hated to mix colors. When mine would get messy then I would give it to my little sister and Mom would buy me new Playdough. My sister mixed hers together.
I'm a GFC follower
I was traumatized when I was little and I was not allowed to play with Play Dough. Thank you
My daughter's favorite playset is the Spongebob Square Pants set. I remeber trying to eat Playdoh as a kid.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
I follow on blogger
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
I joined Day 7 Beyblade giveaway
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
entered Day 6 Nerf giveaway
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
My daughters favorite is the Coco Nutty Monkey Playset.
My kids' favorite play-doh set is the PLAY-DOH Puppies Playset. They play with it all the time.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
My daughter likes the Magic Ice Cream Swirl Shoppe.
My favorite memory is of playing with my playdoh barber set. The hair would grow long and I'd chop it off.
PLAY-DOH MAGIC SWIRL Ice Cream Shoppe Playset.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
I know it sounds corney but i quit smoking a few months ago and they gave us playdoh to keep our hands busy.Well it is working very well.I would love to win this to make things with as i continue to kick this aweful habit.Thanks Jeanne50@embarqmail.com i also liked it on facebook.
We used to use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of play dough!
lil.blessing at gmail dot com
I recently bought my son some play dohg on clearance after Christrmas and he absolutely LOVES it. We use different kitchen tools to cut differernt shapes out.
atayner0183 at yahoo dot com
My mom didn't let me play with playdoh. So I would like going to my friends house to play with it.
The Play-Doh Burger Builder Playset is a favorite in our house. We love Play-Doh. Thank you for the fun give-away.
My son received the Spaghetti Factory for Christmas and he loves it.
I just bought my niece the ice cream maker play dough set and she loves it! I know she would love the factory even more. Thanks! :)
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Posted on your facebook wall (natasha tucker)
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
I am following on blogger
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Me an my children used to play with play doh all the time. It was so relaxing and just simple fun.
smchester at gmail dot com
My daughter like the PLAY-DOH Burger Builder Playset
I posted on your FB wall - edita ava
I like the Picnic Mini Bucket
Diane Baum
The Ice Cream Shoppe is our favorite.
wrote on their wall
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