Who doesn't love a carnival game? Every time we go to Reno, we stay at the Circus Circus Hotel, and every time we tell the kids, "We're not playing games at the Midway this time". And every time we change our minds and end up with tons of stuffed animals to add to the kids' collection. Fishing for prizes, popping balloons, knocking down cans, tossing quarters and hitting rubber chickens into rotating pots are just so much fun! When I was invited to review 2KPlay's New Carnival Games, I knew my kids were going to love it -- but I didn't realize I'd enjoy playing it too.
The Basics
New Carnival games has over 30 new carnival-themed games, 300 new prizes and new features for both the Wii and the DS versions.
Here's a description of the game:
New Carnival Games is a collection of dozens of touch screen-controlled midway challenges, in the family friendly style of the original. DS gamers of all walks can have a go at "Balloon Blowout," "Pie Eating Contest," "Pop-A-Score," "Speed Pitch," and other activities, all inspired by contests of luck and skill. Each game is controlled with intuitive taps and flicks of the stylus or fingertips. Success is rewarded with prizes, including accessories that players' in-game characters can wear, such as rabbit ears, a walrus mask, or dragonfly wings.
New Carnival Games for Wii features over 30 all-new games and attractions, including Pitch-A-Plate, Bottle Stand-Up, Fish Bowl Bounce, Gold Rush Alley Ball and the always frightful Haunted House. In addition, skilled gamers will earn tickets that can be redeemed for over 300 colorful in-game prizes, such as Moon Rocks, Eye-Bots, Decoder Rings and Wacky Wearables™ ranging from a Walrus Mask to Dragonfly Wings. In a franchise first, New Carnival Games is Wii MotionPlus compatible, so players will be tossing coins, bouncing balls, shooting targets and bumping cars with increased accuracy and more precision than ever before. The new multiplayer feature allows for cooperative play and head-to-head competition in every game - enabling kids, parents and grandparents to all play together in games like Lucky Toss, Gone Fishin’ and Speed Bingo.
New Carnival Games has a suggested retail price of $49.99 for the Wii MotionPlus bundle, $39.99 for Wii and $29.99 for DS. The games are rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.
The Bongga
I can't speak for the Wii version since we don't have a Wii, but my kids love the Nintendo DS version. I constantly hear peals of laughter whenever one of them gets a game high score and gets their photo taken looking oh-so-ridiculous. I swear, they take it as seriously as they would a real carnival game, the way they concentrate and the way they cheer when they do well on a game and win lots of tokens. They love redeeming the tokens for little clothes and masks that they can put on the character, just the way you can redeem tickets at a video arcade for little plastic prizes. I must say, I prefer the virtual prizes because they don't clutter up the house, and I'll never have to sneak around to throw them away when the kids aren't looking!
Even I like playing New Carnival Games because the games just my style: easy to learn, simple and short. There's no back story, so I can play a game without reading a gazillion lines of instruction. I can get a few minutes of lighthearted diversion, then move on. No fuss, no hassle, perfect! Plus, the carnival games are fun!
The Blah
I can't really say anything bad about this game: no violence or sexual themes, and the games are short so it's easy to get the kids to put the game down when their screen time has run out. Of course, it's not exactly what you call educational, but then neither is a real carnival game.
The Bottom Line
New Carnival Games for Nintendo DS is lighthearted fun for the whole family!
Win a New Carnival Games for Nintendo DS
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win a New Carnival Games videogame in their choice of platform: Nintendo DS or Wii.
Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me which carnival or arcade game you like to play, or tell me the biggest prize you've ever won from playing a carnival or arcade game. This entry must be completed before extra entries qualify.
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7) Follow @2KPlay on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day, leave a comment with the tweet link for each tweet):
Win @2KPlay's New Carnival Games (DS or Wii, your choice!) on @bonggafinds http://tinyurl.com/27wp6yg #giveaways
The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on November 10, 2010; I will draw a winner at random on November 11 and post the winner's name after the winner confirms acceptance. US addresses only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!
Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. I received a product sample, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
382 Comments, Leave yours here:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 382 Newer› Newest»My favorite carnival game is the one where you throw the darts at balloons, I think it's fun!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
i like playing the bust the balloons with darts and love watching my little grandson choose the ducks from the pond to read a number to see what he won, thanks
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
Bolero game is fun!
natatheangel at yahoo dot com
My daughter loves grabber games.
jdrombo AT yahoo DOT com
I don't play but my kids do! They would LOVE to win this!
I subscribe via email.
I always liked the carnival game where you had to shoot water at a target to get your target to the finish line first. Thanks.
email subscriber
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I like the one where you shoot the basketball at the hoop. Never actually won at that one. I believe the hoops are smaller then they should be and it is impossible to win.
I follow you on GFC.
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Biggest prize I ever won was abount 4 or 5 years ago, a giant stuffed ape at a ball toss game at Cedar Point. Thing was about 4 feet tall and about 3 or 4 feet wide! Was a great win, till I had to carry the freakin thing all the way out to the car, and then figure how to stuff it in! LOL. Still have it out in the garage. My youngest still talks about that day.
I follow 2KPLay and tweeted (mnsteph)
I Subscribe to Bonggamom Finds updates at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com
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I like playing the carnival game where you pop balloons with a dart.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
The only prize I have won from a carnival game is a goldfish that I won from throwing hoops over bottles.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Wrote on your FB page that I entered the giveaway.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I once won a huge stuffed pig from tossing rings at bottles at a carnival. Couldn't believe I won and the biggest fun was trying to fit it into our car for the trip home.
Thanks so much.
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and I tweeted:
I like balloon darts.
I love playing te milk bottle gam, where you throw the ball to knock over bottles for prizes. :)
busting balloons with darts
I'm intrigued by the claw machines at arcades. I haven't won anything in one, but my brother is a genius at this game!
I used to love that game where you bonk the moving heads with a hammer - so fun!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
My favorite arcade game is the Ski Ball!
I follow your blog through Network Blogs now!
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I would like to try Fishbowl Bounce.
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The games I always play are skee-ball and the one where you bust the ballons with darts!
hebert024 at aol dot com
I like throwing darts at balloons!
I follow via blogger
The biggest thing I have won from a carnival game was a six foot white gorilla. We had a very hard time getting him home.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/graywolfpack/status/28646502233
The biggest prize I won at a carnival was a fish. It was the game you throw the little rings and it has to land around the neck of a bottle.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
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Jessica Kaufman
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
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Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
My favorite carvinal game is ring toss, I once one a large bear playing it.
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Following on twitter as sunnymum. Tweet: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/28691525856
I wrote "I entered the New Carnival Games giveaway!" on the Bonggamom Finds FB page.
i like the one where you spray a water gun at a target
Love to play the Pie Eating Contest. I was in a pie eating tournament one time and came in 4th place.
I like skee ball
thank you
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thank you
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/graywolfpack/status/28701912932
we'd love this
I like playing skeeball.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
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monster6236 at gmail dot com
I like the easy game where you pick up ducks!
I always liked to the balloon dart game!
msjem2001 at yahoo dot com
I would play the WII game
Scott Martin
Skee ball is my favorite arcade game! I have the app for my iPhone and love to sneak in a game here and there throughout the day. I just love all carnival and arcade games, though.
krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
I love skee ball.
kport207 at gmail dot com
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
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i like the wheel games where you put down money on a color aor number and they spin the wheel
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I LOVE Skeeball. LOVE IT.
sarah.stern.13 at gmail dot com
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Tweeted: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/28941983046
I like ring toss & balloon darts. (I really like the concept of the one where you hit the stacked milk bottles with the balls, but it always seemed impossible for me to knock all of them over when I was a kid.)
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Hitting rubber chickens into rotating pots - who wouldn't love doing that?
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I guess shooting the balloons or spraying water to make the ball rise
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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I love playing the Duck Pond, I think the biggest prize I remember winning was a stuffed snake.
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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My favorite arcade game is of course Pac Man.
hmhenderson AT yahoo dOT com
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I took my son and niece to our local amusement park when they were three and let them play the carnival game where they throw the ping pong balls into little glass bowls. My son on the first throw gets the blue bowl (only one of them and it's the large prize!) I ended up carrying a huge "Shrek" the entire day!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
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I loved playing the throwing the rings on the bottles or the darts a the balloons.
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(Tamara Bennington)
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(Tamara Bennington)
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i like the game where you throw darts at balloons
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/graywolfpack/status/29196500595
I won a t-shirt at the balloon toss booth. Of course, he told me that the balloons on the edges have the best prizes!
My husband won a great brown teddy bear once when we were dating, and I still have it.
mrsgerbil at hotmail dot com
I like the water shooting game. I never really won. I was always second. bummer really cause i would try real hard but i'd get to excited and my hand would move the gun and I couldn't keep it still.
tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/29238948744
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I like Skeeball. One of my favorite memories of winning at a carnival game was when my family visited Cedar Point and within a 1/2 hour, my dad won a HUGE stuffed mouse and we all had to take turns holding that big thing all day. We also owned a compact car and the mouse wouldn't fit in the "trunk" so we had to drive home with it across our laps in the back seat!
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
My family loves to play skeeball or skeetball. I'm not sure of the correct word. lol It's so much fun! thank you!
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My favorite is the one that you shoot the water at the target.
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Skee Ball is my favorite.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
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I've always loved Skee ball even though I am really bad at it.
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I like the game where you take the darts and bust the ballons. I can usally win a mirror or something small.wilcarvic
email subscriber.wilcarvic
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sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
As a child, I recall playing a horse racing carnival game where balls are shot with a pinball mechanism and depending on what slot the ball falls through, the horse advances a certain number of spaces. The first horse to reach the finish line awarded the player a prize. Thank you for the great give-away.
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My favorite arcade game is Skee Ball.
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skeeball is the best..
I like the shooting games (cork guns) the best.
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I wrote on Bonggamom Finds wall.
Main: My fave carninval game would be Balloon blowout for sure! I love the dart balloons at the fair! I've never won anything big besides stuffed animals, though, lol.
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Tweeted Sat: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/995867154710529
My favorite carnival game is the coin toss. I can never get it on the plate. I don't think I ever won anything. Oh well. Thanks for the giveaway.
I once won a basketball!
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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My favorite game is Whack a Mole. I love that game. Have won many a stuffed animal from playing it.
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