From Summertime to Schooltime
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Last week I reminisced about our glorious summer adventures and how much we enjoyed seeing and doing new things. Now school has started and we're back to our old, regular routine. Instead of discovering walking down country lanes, we're navigating suburbia to get to school. Instead of enjoying the regional cuisine of Paris' 18th quarter, we're back to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Instead of packing 3-ounce containers of liquid into a clear plastic Ziploc bag (don't you hate that?), we're stuffing homework and books into a backpack.
Man, getting back to the same old, same old is a drag. But we managed to do it, thank goodness! Read all about how we transitioned back to our schooltime routine -- and enter to win a $100 Visa Gift Card -- by clicking here.