Drink Up!

If someone had told my parents, thirty years ago, that they could put water in a bottle and charge people for it, they would have scoffed, and so would the rest of the world. But here we are in a world where bottled water is as common as Coke.

And if someone had told me, fifteen years ago, that they could put flavorings and vitamins and minerals in bottled water and charge people three times as much as regular bottled water, I would have scoffed, and so would the rest of the world. But here we are in a world where flavored water is as common as plain water.

And I say, hurrah! People have enough trouble staying hydrated as it is. In a perfect world we'd all chug down our 64 oz. every day, but to Gen-X'ers brought up on juice and softdrinks and flavored drinks, flavored water certainly makes things easier. It certainly helps us. Alfie and I discovered flavored water several years ago, and it's one of our little luxuries. We drink regular filtered tap water and we're not latte junkies, but danged if we each don't take our water bottles up to bed with us every night. Our latest find is Snapple's Antioxidant Water , which has all the trendy antioxidant berries like acai and (my favorite flavor) pomegranate.

Long live progress!

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