What makes Cancer Treatment Centers of America different?

It’s hard to find someone whose life hasn’t been impacted by the C-word- cancer. For the women in my dad's family, it's actually the B-word-- breast cancer. My dad's mother (my grandmother) and all of her sisters (my great-aunts) had breast cancer. My dad's sister (my aunt) also had it. The family history doesn't stop there. My dad's father (my grandfather) had pancreatic cancer, and my dad had prostate cancer.

When my dad told me about his cancer, he made it seem like it was no big deal, but I think he was trying to protect his little girl and keep me from worrying. He is a doctor, so he was very involved in his treatment and he was well-versed in all of his options. He also has a huge support network -- family, friends, medical colleagues were all there to help him. Thanks to technology and support, cancer has not made a significant dent in his quality of life.

Sometimes I think it's only a matter of time before I'm diagnosed with cancer myself, and the fear sometimes gives me sleepless nights. But I remember how my dad faced cancer head on, and that gives me hope. I'm inspired and strengthened by his positive attitude -- if anything happens to me, I will get through it with my family and friends and the best medical technology I can find. I hope anyone facing cancer is lucky enough to have that!

The brave individuals and their families who are fighting a cancer battle need both the most advanced technology and a personalized touch. Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) gives both to every patient that walks through their doors by focusing on whole-person care as part of a personalized treatment plan. Did you know that nearly 70% of CTCA patients travel to a CTCA hospital from another state? Yes, the trip is worth it! CTCA makes sure that every patient has access to not only the leading medical technology, but additional services that address the entire spectrum of patient care:

  • nutrition therapy
  • naturopathic medicine
  • pain management
  • mind-body medicine
  • spiritual support

They even help with appointment scheduling, travel, and lodging, to remove the logistical stress (because fighting cancer is stressful enough!).

I know that having access to cutting edge technology and a great support system really helped my dad get through his fight with cancer -- and it sounds like CTCA believes the same thing.

Disclosure: This is a compensated post as part of a promotional program with CTCA and MomSelect. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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