10 Ways to enjoy PEEPS over the holidays (and a giveaway for you!)

Holiday PEEPS

Breaking news for candy lovers: PEEPS, everyone's favorite Easter chicks aren't just for Easter any more! PEEPS & COMPANY® have all kinds of holiday themed goodies for your eating, gifting, and decorating pleasure. Here are 10 ideas for what to do with PEEPS candy this holiday season:
  1. Add to your holiday stockings 
  2. Give to classmates at school
  3. Leave in the break room at the office
  4. Add to a gift basket for teacher or a friend
  5. Add to a hostess gift 
  6. Place in do-it-yourself Advent Calendars
  7. Add to a cup of cocoa
  8. Decoration for holiday cookies
  9. Gingerbread house decoration
  10. Leave on a plate (instead of cookies) for Santa!

With so many different kinds of holiday PEEPS products, it's easy to make any of these 10 ideas look festive and merry. Just look at the assortment of PEEPS I saw inside our local grocery store!
Holiday PEEPS

Not only did I find the regular marshmallow PEEPS in holiday packs, I also found PEEPS® Candy Cane Flavored Marshmallow Chicks. I love how these packs come with a plush PEEPS chick with its own darling little Santa hat.
Holiday PEEPS

PEEPS sent me a basket of PEEPS goodies so we could get an idea of just how many different kinds of holiday PEEPS products are out there!  Check out this Vanilla Crème Chicks Pop -- it's so easy to make. Just buy some lollipop sticks at a craft or candy supply store, then stick on PEEPS chicks in different colors. You can also get the Vanilla Crème Chicks Pop ready-made, so it comes in decorative packaging, all ready for your stocking.
Holiday PEEPS

PEEPS candy doesn't just come in the classic chick shape! xtra holiday cheer, you can get Gingerbread-Flavored Marshmallow Gingerbread Men, Marshmallow Trees, Marshmallow Snowmen, even a Large Marshmallow Snowman. These are just perfect for a holiday gingerbread house! Why not buy a bunch and have a gingerbread house decorating party.
Holiday PEEPS

Other PEEPS holiday products include Chocolate Mint Marshmallow Trees and Chocolate Mousse Reindeer. As if all of that wasn't enough variety, PEEPS AND COMPANY® makes more than just PEEPS products. Check out their Snowman Lollipop  made with candy melts,  MIKE AND IKE candy in a candy cane tube, Hot Tamales in a candy cane tube, and Teenee Beanie Menorah Mix, You can see the full holiday selection online at peepsandcompany.com
Holiday PEEPS

Win Holiday PEEPS products
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a variety of (5) five PEEPS® and PEEPS & COMPANY® products to use as holiday treats. Enter via the Rafflecopter widget below, but hurry, this giveaway ends on December 17!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received samples for review. Giveaway product provided by PEEPS AND COMPANY.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. our family helps at the local food bank during the holidays

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com


    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  3. My favorite is the PEEPS Filled Holiday Candy Bank.

  4. Our family "adopts" a family at Christmas. We purchase everything for a family dinner & provide gifts for everyone in the family.
