American Girl Holiday Accessories for Dolls

Holiday Accessories for Dolls (shrug)

Yesterday I reviewed one of the American Girl 2015 holiday items: the Joyful Jewels dress. But what is a holiday outfit without accessories? The American Girl Holiday Accessories for Dolls set has everything a doll wants to complete her holiday celebrations. I received a sample of the accessories set to review, and I agree, it's the perfect complement to the Joyful Jewels dress. If you're getting your daughter/niece/goddaughter/granddaughter the Joyful Jewels dress, make sure you get this accessory set to go along with it!

Holiday Accessories for Dolls (complete set)
The full set includes:

  • A velveteen shrug to add a bit of warmth to any fancy dress
  • A ring to add a glimmer to the festivities
  • A glitter globe that makes a great gift for a special friend; it has loose glitter and a little tree inside (no liquid)
  • Pretend striped glossy ribbon candy
  • A candy box
  • A pink gift bag covered in foil snowflakes
  • A sheet of red tissue paper

Here's a close up of the gift items. The ribbon candy is so pretty, and so is the snow globe. Proportion-wise, I'm not sure the two items work well together (compare the size of the globe next to the size of the ribbon candy; if that globe were the size of a child's palm, that candy would be huge!!), but I love the level of detail in both of them.
Holiday Accessories for Dolls (partial set)

Here's a close up of the ring. It fits on American Girl dolls' pinkie fingers or index fingers. The ring's size is adjustable, but take care because it can easily fall off a doll's finger.
Holiday Accessories for Dolls (ring)

How I wish this were available in real-person size! Who wouldn't want to see this under their Christmas tree with their name on it?! Right now, the Holiday Accessories for Dolls set is on sale for $22 (originally $32) so it's a great deal.
Holiday Accessories for Dolls (c) Accessories for Dolls (partial set)

Disclosure: I received a sample for review.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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