Moscow Ballet Great Russian Nutcracker: a fresh twist on an old classic

I have seen many Nutcracker ballets in my time, and each one is special and unique in its own way...but I have never seen a Nutcracker quite like the one performed by the Moscow Ballet! I had the privilege of seeing it a few days ago with me daughter and mother-in-law, and it was a truly special night for all of us.

Many families are familiar with the story of the Nutcracker -- Clara gets a Nutcracker from her uncle Drosselmeyer, and she dreams of battling the mouse king with him, then traveling with the Nutcracker to the land of sweets, where different sweets (peppermints, Spanish chocolate, gingerbread, etc), including the Sugar Plum Fairy, dance for her.

The Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker is very different. First, Clara is now Masha. Second, she doesn't meet the Snow Queen, she meets Father Christmas (Ded Moroz) and Snow Maiden (Snegurochka). Also, Masha doesn't travel to the Land of Sweets, she travels to the Land of Peace and Harmony. Instead of sweets, we see various animals like doves, lambs, bears, dragons, and elephants (symbolized by beautiful giant puppets). 

For all the differences, it's still the Nutcracker we know and love. We still got to enjoy Tchaikovsky's music as 
well as familiar characters like Drosselmeyer, the wind up dolls, the Mouse King (albeit a three headed version!) and Masha's naughty brother. The costumes and sets are absolutely gorgeous (I especially love the scenery which pays homage to the onion tops of the cathedral in St. Petersburg). It's such a fresh version that even people who have been watching the Nutcracker year after year will love it!

Check out remaining dates for Northern California:

Redding, CA:
Redding Convention Center
December 25

For a Full Schedule of Event Dates/Venues and Times  visit  And use the code JOY to get the biggest discount of the season for your family!

Save on the Moscow Ballet's celebrated Great Russian Nutcracker 2015 North American Tour. USE PROMO CODE: JOY

Disclosure: I recieved complimentary tickets to view and review the show, courtesy of The views and opinions expressed here are my own. 
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