Order personalized Holiday photo cards from Simply To Impress

Simply to Impress cards and stationery

The holidays are almost here, and it's time to start ordering those holiday cards!  Have you seen SimplyToImpress.com's holiday card lineup for 2013?  They sent me samples, and I was, well, simply impressed.  Their designs are unique (I love their specialty borders -- scallops, rounded corners, even circular!), with sophisticated fonts and colors, plus beautiful layouts.  They use premium cardstock so your holiday cards will be a standout.

Simply to Impress cards and stationery

By the way, when you're looking at holiday cards, don't forget that the back of your card is just as important as the front.  Your friends and family will be looking at every single part of your card!  The sample cards that Simply to Impress sent to me are just as pretty on the back as they are on the front, which shows their thorough attention to detail.

Simply to Impress cards and stationery

I'll be ordering some personalized photo holiday cards from Simply to Impress this year, so stay tuned to see which design I chose and what the actual cards look like!

Here's more information about Simply To Impress:
Simply to Impress is a great site for making unique, personalized luxury birth announcements, holiday cards, birthday invitations and more. Our cards are known internationally for their high style and quality.

Disclosure: I will received a code to order complimentary holiday cards from SimplyToImpress.com for a future review post.  I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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