Sunshine in a bottle: Gain Sunflower & Sunshine

What do you think of when you hear Icy Fresh Fizz, Hawaiian Aloha or Sunflower & Sunshine? Do you picture building a snowman, reminiscing over your favorite tropical getaway or seeing a field of huge sunflowers?

It is possible to save time in a bottle?  Probably not, but boy did Gain laundry detergent come close.  Gain offered to send me a bottle of their liquid detergent in my choice of scent, and I chose Sunflower & Sunshine.  It was a tough choice between Lavender and Sunflower & Sunshine, but although I adore the scent of lavender (it makes me think of clean, crisp, white sheets and sunny fields in Provence), I chose Sunflower & Sunshine scent.  It was so bright and cheerful, it reminded me of how I used to feel on the last day of school before summer vacation.  I grew up in the Philippines, so the last day of school was always a hot, bright, sunny day.  The sky was always as blue as blue can be, with only a few white puffy clouds dotting the sky.  It was always sunny and hot, but I always remember a cooling breeze blowing through the air as we ran out of school.  Our school was away from the smog and pollution of Metro Manila, so we always saw lots of tall grasses, cattails and sunflowers on the drive home.  Was the last day of school really always this idyllic, this sunny? Probably not.  I was just probably so happy to have the whole summer break ahead of me that everything around me looked and felt marvelous.  I can close my eyes now and remember that carefree feeling, and that was the memory that Gain's Sunflower & Sunshine brought back to me.  How could I resist a bottle of sunshine? 

What memory will Gain's laundry scents stir up in you?  Different people have different preferences, memories and even experiences that make each one of us unique. That is why Gain is celebrating peoples’ uniqueness with a campaign designed to help you find scents that are as unique as you. Find out more at and

Disclosure:  I received a complimentary bottle of Gain detergent courtesy of Gain, via the One2One Network.  Italicized text in the post was provided by the One2One Network.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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