Candy so natural, it's Unreal

What if I told you that I had found a candy bar with absolutely no artificial ingredients, that tastes like the most popular candy bars on the market today? What if I told you they were available at CVS, Walgreens, Target, and other places you find those other candy bars?  What if I told you they had the same shelf life and the same price as those other candy bars?  You'd tell me to get real, right?

Actually, you'd better get UNreal.  Because that's the name of the new candy bar that's taking parents by storm.  Unreal candy bars contain ingredients you can actually pronounce -- cane sugar, cacao, real milk, vanilla extract.  They don't contain corn syrups, preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, or hydrogenated oils.  These candy bars aren't junk food, they're treats!

I recently attended a lunch hosted by Unreal and my friend Beth Blecherman of Techmama.  Beth usually sticks to her niche of curating and reviewing family-friendly tech products (which she is awesome at), but she's still a mom who looks for natural foods for her kids, and Unreal foods got her excited enough to want to share the product with all her blogger friends. 

Their candy coated chocolates owe their beautifully muted colors (they remind me of Martha Stewart's Araucana chicken eggs!) to beetroot juice, turmeric root, and purple cabbage juice, not red dye #40 or yellow dye #5 (great news for kids suffering from ADHD and allergies!).

 Their Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat Bar tastes just like a Snickers bar!

Unreal makes 5 candy bars:
Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat
Chocolate Caramel Nougat
Candy Coated Chocolate
Candy Coated Chocolate with Peanuts
Peanut Butter Cups

My favorites?  Definitely the Peanut Butter Cups and the Chocolate Caramel Nougat.  The Chocolate Caramel Nougat is supposed to taste like a Milky Way bar; I think it tastes even better!  The Peanut Butter Cups taste just like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, only a tad less sweet.  Actually, all the Unreal bars taste a bit less sweet, probably because they don't have corn syrup.  This seems to make the flavor of both candy coated chocolate varieties seem a bit less chocolatey to me -- but all 5 varieties are definitely worth a taste.

The best news is, you won't have to hunt for it in obscure health food stores or expensive gourmet confectioners -- Unreal candy bars will be available at CVS, Walgreens, convenience stores, grocers that regular people shop at, at the same price as other candy bars!  Make no mistake, it's still candy, so you can't pig out on it without seeing the results on your waistline.  But you get the satisfaction of knowing that every ingredient in that candy bar is there to make it taste better, not make it cheaper to mass-produce.  And that's for real!

Disclosure: I attended a blogger lunch sponsored by Unreal and brought home a complimentary assortment of Unreal candy bars to review.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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