When in doubt... run

Sony Walkman Runners

Just 2 weeks to go before the Big Sur Half Marathon! Last night the organizers sent out an email with race weekend instructions for packet pickup, parking, start corrals, maps and more. Everything looks good, except possibly the 3 1/2 hour course time limit, which translates into roughly 16-minute miles. I'm wondering if I need to pick up the pace this last 2 weeks --some Sony Walkman Runner I'll be if I can't even finish the course!

The only comfort I can come up with is the knowledge that I always experience feelings of doubt and insecurity before an event like this, and I always end up doing a tiny bit better than I expect. I always tell myself that if I can finish half of the event distance in the weeks leading up to the event, the race-day atmosphere and adrenaline and mental strength and two ibuprofen should be enough to get me through the rest.

And just to make sure my theory still holds, I'm off now to train.......

Disclosure: As a Sony Walkman Runner, Sony is sponsoring my registration fee to the Big Sur Half-Marathon. They also gave me a complimentary W-Series Walkman to "power me up" during my training. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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