Enter to win a Tag Reading System -- and an all-expenses paid trip to Hollywood!

The Tag. Give. Read. program giveaway on Bonggamom Finds has ended, and one lucky reader has won a Leapfrog Tag kit! Even better, one lucky kindergarten teacher will be receiving a Tag classroom kit -- no, make that two, because Leapfrog also gave me a classroom kit to donate to one of our local schools. Some kinders at Roosevelt Elementary School in Redwood City are going have such a fun time learning to read with those Tag units! I'm so thrilled that I was able to participate in getting more Tags into more classrooms to get kids excited about reading, and I'm so grateful to Leapfrog for making it all possible.

As I mentioned in my giveaway post, the Tag. Give. Read. program has been tremendously successful -- so successful, in fact, that La-La-Land is jumping on the bandwagon! This is great news, because anything that celebrities do gets lots of media attention, and the more awareness we can generate for the importance of helping kids to read, the better.

Here's how Hollywood is lending a hand:
Thanks in large part to your support, our Tag. Give. Read. campaign has been hugely successful. So successful that Tinsel Town is on board! "Access Hollywood" personality Jayneoni Moore is launching a parallel program through The Jayneoni Moore Children's Fund, called "Tag, You're It!" and we're joining forces to go bigger and put Tag and books into the hands of even more kids.

Jayneoni and her celeb mom pals have been buying Tag Readers to give away to classrooms in need, and their campaign will encourage others to do the same. To sweeten the deal, LeapFrog is giving 5 Tag books for each system donated to the cause. And on November 14th, all these moms and their little ones will gather at a "packing party," to turn what we hope will be a massive pile of donated product into individually boxed "Tag kits" for classrooms. And you could be there to help!

Did you read that last part? Let me spell it out again: You could be there to help! Okay, let me rephrase that:

Win a Leapfrog Tag AND the chance to win an all-expenses trip to Hollywood

That's right, we're doing another giveaway: one lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a Tag Reader and the new USA Map, and be entered to win an all-expense paid trip to Hollywood to attend the November 14 Packing Party!

Leapfrog has provided Tags as giveaway prizes to a few select bloggers, and the winners from these giveaways will be into a drawing of all blog post winners to win the "grand prize" trip. You'll get the star treatment: LeapFrog will take care of all travel arrangements and expenses for winners, including transportation from home to the airport and back, transportation from airport to hotel, accommodations at The Peninsula Beverly Hills (where the Packing Party will be held), and incidental expenses for meals and refreshments.

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me why you want to attend the Packing Party. This entry must be completed before extra entries qualify.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1) Share the link to the Tag, You're It! program with your Facebook friends (1 entry).

2) Write on the Leapfrog Facebook page wall, and tell them that Bonggamom sent you (1 entries). Here's a sample entry:

I entered the Tag, You're It! giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (http://ow.ly/33mQy)!

3) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page:

I entered the Tag, You're It! giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (http://ow.ly/33mQy)!

4) Follow Leapfrog on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day, leave a comment with the tweet link for each tweet):

RT @bonggamom Donate 2 Jayneoni Moore's Tag You're It! @leapfrog will donate 5 Tag books for every Tag you donate! http://ow.ly/33mLh

5) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day, leave a comment with the tweet link for each tweet):

RT @bonggafinds Win a @leapfrog Tag Reading System AND the chance 2 win a trip to Hollywood! http://ow.ly/33mQy #giveaways

6) Subscribe to Bonggamom Finds updates (1 entry).

7) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Networked Blogs (1 entry).

8) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger(1 entry).

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on November 6, 2010; I will draw the winner of the Tag at random at midnight and contact the winner immediately. Since the party is on November 14, the winner must respond by 11:59PM PST on November 7, 2010. Note, winning this giveaway does not guarantee a trip to Hollywood, just an entry to the grand prize drawing. US addresses only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Even if you don't get to go to the Packing Party, you can still help:

* You can make a donation of Tag books -- you can ship them to 269 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Ca 90212 by Thursday, November 11th 2010 (or drop them off, if you live nearby). All items will be packaged and shipped to the special selected kindergarten classrooms on Sunday, November 14th, during a special packing event attended by celebrity moms and hosted by Marissa Jaret Winokur cohost of the talk show The Talk!

* You can still donate to a teacher via DonorsChoose.org -- your dollar will go even further with LeapFrog's donation of $100,000, to match donations, dollar-for-dollar, made to teachers who request the Tag learn-to-read system for their classrooms. So if you donate via DonorsChoose.org to the teachers on this list, Leapfrog will effectively double your donation!

Disclosure: Each blogger who posted this giveaway is entered to a blogger drawing to win a trip to Leapfrog's celeb Tag Packing Party-- so by posting this giveaway, I am entered to win a trip as described above. Contest information is provided by Leapfrog and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. My daughter is currently in kindergarten. I have volunteered to help in her classroom and I know how much time her kindergarten teacher spends on laying the ground work so that her students will be successful readers. I think that programs like Tag Give Read help accelerate early reading skills, and I'd love to help out at the Packing Party. What an fun way to get kids excited about reading!

  2. I participate in the Dolly Parton "Imagination Library" project here in Crockett County, Tennessee. My two boys are grown now, but when they were little I always read to them, and encourage them to read. I feel that reading is one of the most valuable lessons that a child learns. I would love to participate in the Tag Give Read project and would like to talk to someone about bringing this project to our little county. Thanks for the giveaway. dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  3. I shared this on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LeapFrog?v=wall#!/LeapFrog/posts/450029384581

    dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  4. I shared on your facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/BonggamomFinds?v=wall#!/BonggamomFinds/posts/143211345726086

    dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  5. I follow Leapfrog on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/dancejamboree/status/29534861666

    dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  6. I follow you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/dancejamboree/status/29534962296

    dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  7. I subscribe to your email updates.

    dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  8. It would be so much fun to help out and see how this would help so many. what fun it would be.

  9. Shared on LeapFrog wall-

  10. Left comment on your FB wall-shirley e

  11. I am a subscriber

  12. I like this since as a homeschooling mom, this will be a great way to add a charitable, values subject field trip for my 6 year old.

    I love this give-away! so much heart! :D

  13. Are you kidding me?! Who WOULDN'T want to help with this? Say the words "children", "education", and "reading" and I'm all over it.

    Besides, this Maryland girl has never been on the West Coast. I would be seeing the other side of the country all while working for a great cause.

    It sounds cliche but, children are our future.

  14. Left a comment on Leap Frog's wall

  15. http://www.facebook.com/BonggamomFinds/posts/167162509974120

  16. I already follow Leap Frog on Facebook and tweeted

  17. I'm already subscribed to your site using luvdamall at aol dot com.

  18. I follow on Networked Blogs (Keonte' L Smith).

  19. I already follow on Blogger (Keonte' S)

  20. This is a great cause and a way to give back and pay it forward.wilcarvic

  21. I entered thw walmart giftcard contest.wilcarvic

  22. I'd like to go because I think it would be a great opportunity!
    I'd love to learn ways to help my kids learn!

    fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  23. Google Friend Connect Follower! {mom2anutball}

    fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  24. I follow you on network blogs on facebook as Sheila H.

    fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  25. Email subscriber
    fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  26. tweeted today: https://twitter.com/mamamiakiddos/status/515858736615424

    mvrempillo at yahoo dot com

  27. shared on Leapfrog's wall on FB

    mvrempillo at yahoo dot com

  28. subscribed my email for bonggafinds updates.

    mvrempillo at yahoo dot com

  29. RT on my profile today. :)

    mvrempillo at yahoo dot com

  30. Liked BonggaFinds on FB.

    mvrempillo at yahoo dot com

  31. I would love to be there to help in this project because its important for children to have access to these great products and it would be so fun to see the smiles on the faces of the children and teachers when they receive them! shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  32. shared tag your it with my facebook friends :) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  33. Tweeted this on my profile.

    mvrempillo at yahoo dot com

  34. wrote on leapfrogs facebook wall telling them you sent me :) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  35. wrote on bonggamom finds facebook page :) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  36. followed leapfrog on twitter and tweeter (user meadowsgrove)

  37. follow bonggamom on twitter and tweeted user meadowsgrove- shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  38. subscribed to your updates :) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  39. following you on networkblogs shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  40. following you on blogger (grove79) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

  41. I think it would be great to be a part of sharing Tag Readers with little ones and helping them learn to read.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  42. This would be great for my granddaughter who is starting kindergarden in the fall.


  43. I would love to help at the packing party to "give back" for all the great learning my kids have had with their Tag systems. I give the Tag system credit for helping my son learn to read. They're great.

    I'd love to win another Tag system for my nephew.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Amy B.

  44. I posted on the Leap Frog FB page

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Amy B.

  45. I posted on your FB page
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Amy B.

  46. Congratulations to the winner: #20, Keonte S!
