PSP stands for Places you'll See us Play

Last week I posted a Dr. Seuss-style list of all the places my kids would love to play with their PSP's. The truth is, we've never actually used the PSP with a goat or with a fox, and although I'm sure they would like to, my kids have never really lived in a box. So this week I have a more prosaic, more practical list of places (or situations) we've actually used the PSP or plan to use the PSP:

1) cars
2) restaurants
3) trains
4) airplanes
5) airport lines
6) doctor's waiting rooms
7) soccer fields (while waiting for little brothers to finish their game)
8) skating rink (while waiting for big sisters to finish their lessons)
9) theaters (during intermissions at big sisters' dance recitals)
10) boring family reunions (but very, very discreetly)

Disclosure: I am participating in Sony's PSP Summer Family Fun blogger program; I received a "Summer Fun" kit which included a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP-3000) , an assortment of content (games and movies) for the PSP, as well as a journal and videocamera to capture our summer adventures. I have not been paid or required to review the product or give my opinions or publish this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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