Chloraseptic Lozenges

When Bender Hammerling invited me to sample and review Chloraseptic Lozenges, I was game, but didn't really expect to be using them anytime soon. After all, it's summertime: who's thinking of colds and flu and sore throats?

It's like I was fated to do this review:
I forgot about all the germs swimming in the cabin air during our flight. I forgot that English summers are almost an oxymoron; cold and damp are present no matter what time of year. I forgot that the kids never wear jackets unless I chain the jackets on. And what I've ended up with is poor Jammy sniffling and sneezing on a summer day.

And that's just why Chloraseptic says It's That Time of Year:
Summer means sunny days, the kids are home from school and everyone is on the go. Whether you’re gearing up for the family vacation or sending the kids off to camp, chances are no one is worried about a sore throat. But what people fail to realize is that their fun in the sun can be ruined by season factors such as:

* Swimming
* Air conditioning
* Allergies
* Dry air

Chloraseptic’s new Sore Throat Lozenges can provide that instant relief to any summer seasonal bummer. With its great taste and liquid center, there is a second burst of medicine that works to clear the throat and nasal passages. For kids, Chloraseptic created a wonderful line of on the go products easy for travel or just a day in the park. The line includes kid’s relief strips and sore throat sprays. Chloraseptic lozenges, kids relief strips and sore throat spays are easy, portable solutions to take with you for your family on your summer journeys.

Jammy's throat was a bit scratchy, and since he's already six years old I let him try the Wild Berry-flavored lozenges. He said they tasted nice initially, but after the medicine kicked in, he said it was bitter and his throat felt thick. I told him that was the medicine, so he gamely kept on sucking (in retrospect I'd say the kids' Chloraseptic would be more suited to him!).

I personally thought they tasted much better than the Chloraseptics of old; they were less like medicine and more like a boiled sweet. I did feel my throat go numb after a minute or two of sucking the lozenge, and I was expecting the runny center to flood my mouth with benzocaine, but to my surprise it didn't. My favorite party was the cool minty aftertaste and the breath of fresh air that flooded my nose while I was sucking on the lozenge. I've always bought Chloraseptic lozenges so I'm not surprised that they work so well -- I can't think of any other sore throat lozenge that I'd rather have inside our medicine cabinet, summer, winter or anytime of the year!

Disclosure: I received a product sample, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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