Diamond Brilliance Cutlery

One of our favorite summer activities is packing a picnic dinner and heading to a park for one of the great summertime evening concerts that our city, or one of our neighboring cities, puts on. It's so much fun to eat outdoors, then relax on a picnic blanket and watch the kids dance to the music! Sometimes we even go together with friends to make it even more fun. We're usually pretty informal, but now and then we like to dress things up and use silverware and real plates, even if it's kind of a pain to carry such heavy stuff and wash it afterwards. Recently I was introduced to a great new concept that gives your summertime picnic the nice look of real cutlery without the hassle -- plastic tableware by Diamond Brilliance Cutlery that actually looks like silverware!

The Basics
Here's how Diamond Brilliance describes their product:
Diamond Brilliance cutlery adds a stylish flair to any summer gathering with its elegant design. The reusable plastic cutlery looks just like real silver with an intricate design and polished finish. At only $4.49 per box, Diamond Brilliance is an affordable way to spruce up a barbeque or summer party.

The Bongga
This cutlery is brilliant! It's plastic, and it feels like plastic -- I do think it's a bit sturdier than regular plastic cutlery but it doesn't have the heavy feel of silver -- but it really looks like silver. Check out this photo that I took of the cutlery, alongside our real silverware. Can you tell which one is which? I posted this photo on my Facebook Fan Page, and the people that commented didn't realize some were plastic and some were silver :)

I would totally use these at large, formal gatherings like a summer evening barbecue or a Thanksgiving dinner. Even on occasions when the grownups prefer the heavier feel of silver cutlery, I would let the kids use these instead of mismatched kiddie cutlery.

And here's a bonus we didn't think of -- the kids can use these Diamond Brilliance knives to cut their food! Alfie and I don't like 3Po and Jammy using our regular knives because they're heavy and unwieldy and more than likely to end up falling off the table and stabbing the boys in the foot. But these Diamond Brilliance knives are safe to use, so the kids can start practicing to use knives when eating. And they look like they belong at the dinner table, so we don't feel like we're on a picnic.

The Blah
When all is said and done, it's still plastic. We're really trying to be responsible eco-citizens and cut back on our waste production, so this kind of cutlery is just more temptation to add to the landfills. Still, I can't help thinking, every now and then, for big parties when I know I won't have the time or energy to load the dishwasher 3 times in order to clean up. And you don't even need to throw these away -- Diamond Brilliance Cutlery is dishwasher safe!!

The Bottom Line
Diamond Brilliance cutlery is well worth the price when you want to impress without any hassle!

Disclosure: I received a product sample, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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