Childhood Comics

For almost a month now we've been trying out the Sony PSP as part of Sony's PSP Summer Family Fun blogger program, and one of the most unique features I've discovered about the PSP is the ability to download and read digital comics (see my review of the PSP's digital comics reader). They have a whole bunch of comic books that you can download onto your PSP, and I got swept up in a wave of nostalgia just browsing through their online digital comic book catalog. I had such a great time remembering my old favorites that I wrote an Aloha Friday post about it on Finding Bonggamom!

I was happy to find a huge selection of digital comics available to download on the PSP, from Xmen to Mickey Mouse, even some of my favorites like Spiderman and Archie. Surprisingly, my kids weren't that excited about it. Or maybe not so surprising. Nowadays comics don't seem to be as prevalent with kids, maybe since they're all animated now on TV. Wow, I actually used the word "nowadays" -- I feel like an antiquated curmudgeon! Next thing you know I'll be talking about how we used to walk a mile in a tropical typhoon to get to the library and milk the cow borrow comics.

Which comics would you walk a mile in a storm for?

Disclosure: I am participating in Sony's PSP Summer Family Fun blogger program; I received a "Summer Fun" kit which included a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP-3000) , an assortment of content (games and movies) for the PSP, as well as a journal and videocamera to capture our summer adventures. I have not been paid or required to review the product or give my opinions or publish this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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