Feel like Snacking? Get Cracking with Ritz Crackerfuls

What's my idea of a catastrophe? Losing my internet connection. I run my household (i.e. pay bills, order groceries, schedule package pickups) online. I parent (i.e sign the kids up for summer camp, register for school, shop for bathing suits and books, get parenting advice) online. I work (i.e. blog) online. I play (i.e. read blogs, tweet, watch movies, catch up on news, go shopping, download songs, plan a roadtrip from Britain to France) online. Practically the only things I don't do online these days is apply bandages, brush teeth and paint nails!

So I'm always in front of the computer. With all that I do online, I could sit myself down at 8AM and not get up until 8PM! (If I had a toilet installed beside the printer, I could go even longer). I know it's a bad habit, but I really tend to lose myself -- food on the stove could burn, my kids could run away, civilizations could rise and fall while I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing online. When that happens, I end my day with tired eyes, an aching head, cramped muscles, a bloated feeling (from gobbling down junk food because I was starving didn't make the time to eat something nutritious), not to mention hungry, rowdy kids and an exasperated husband. Not good. So I do make an effort to take a breather, break up my day and remind myself that I do have a life away from that screen.

Click here to read the three things I do to give myself a break -- and enter to win a $100 Visa giftcard.