20% Off Young Scientist Kits on ToysAndGamesOnline.com

A couple of months ago I reviewed (and gave away) a Razor Scooter from ToysAndGamesOnline.com. It's a great source for online toys, with a great choice of high-quality kids' products and lots of deals -- for example, orders over $69 ship free, and right now they're offering and extra $20 off any order over $250 (use promo code TwentyOff).

This holiday season they're featuring another great kids' brand -- The Young Scientists Club -- and they're offering 20% off all Science Kits between November 23 and December 1st! Just enter the code YSC20 at checkout to receive the discount.

Click on this link to see all the science kits available at ToysAndGamesOnline.com. I can't give it a review right now because we haven't tried any of the kits yet, but they look like they'd be so much fun for kids -- kind of like summer camp in a box. ToysAndGamesOnline.com is sending us one of the kits to try, so I'll let you all know how that goes. The only think I'm not looking forward to is picking the kit. They all look so great, but I think I might go with one of the Magic Schoolbus ones. My kids adore Magic Schoolbus, and they'd be delighted to do some experiments with Ms. Frizzle.

I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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