Cinemin Swivel

One of the cool products that were showcased at last Sunday's SV Moms holiday party (I know, I know, I haven't gotten around to blogging about it yet. Until I do, check out Kim's post) was a teeny-tiny iPod-compatible projector called the Cinemin Swivel. Party attendees were lucky enough to receive a free Swivel (or at least a free order; the actual product will be shipped in January) but they're also giving everyone else a chance to win one on Twitter. Today and tomorrow, one free Cinemin Swivel pico projector (valued at $300 each) will be awarded to a lucky Twitter user. To enter to win, tweet an answer to the question posted each day on the official Cinemin Twitter account (@cinemin) including the hashtag #cinemin in it. (Click here for the official rules).

Here's more information about the Cinemin Swivel from the manufacturers:
With the iPhone / iPod-compatible Cinemin Swivel multimedia pico projector, now you can pack big screen-ready content in your pocket. From romantic flicks on the bedroom ceiling…to foreign cinema in the backyard to…YouTube on a subway wall… to vacations photos on an airplane tray table – you name it. The Cinemin Swivel allows film, art, games, and photos to be shared with anyone, any time, anywhere and features a unique adjustable 90-degree hinge so you can even watch content on the bedroom ceiling.

I can't review this product right now since I don't have it yet -- I won't be getting mine till January (yup, it's already back ordered). I can't believe I'm saying this, but since the daily Cinemin Swivel giveaways end tomorrow, you may not want to wait for me give my opinion before entering to win.

I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Why not see if you can get your hands on an AAXA P2 pico projector? They have a review program here for bloggers like ourselves:

    The Cinemin Swivel looks interesting but like the Optoma DLP projector it is only 8 lumens, 480x320 resolution which IMHO is way too weak for most uses. The AAXA P2 on the other hand is 33 lumens and 800x600, granted it looks to be a bit larger
