Giveaway on Finding Bonggamom from FLONASE®

(disclosure: I am promoting a compensated post)

It's back to school season -- and for my kids, it's also back to sniffles season! Both 3Po and Jammy have bad grass allergies..... which is unfortunate because they play soccer on a grass field 3-5 times a week. There's just no way they're going to give up soccer because of allergies, so we've had to find ways to help relieve their allergy symptoms and keep them doing what they love to do. One of the most important parts of their regimen is an allergy nasal spray like FLONASE® Allergy relief.

Check out my latest post on Finding Bonggamom about how we manage the boys' allergies and how FLONASE® can help. The post also has a giveaway for a $100 Visa gift card!!

(disclosure: My post on Bonggamom Finds is a compensated post).

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