Watch your holiday wish list get printed onto Santa's Canon PIXMA printer!

Just 8 days till Christmas!  Have you made your Christmas wish list yet?  Here's a fun way to do it -- the Canon North Pole PIXMA app!  Just head to Canon's Facebook page and click on the North Pole PIXMA tab (or go to  You can create your child's wish list (or yours!) by typing out wish list items, drawing the items, or adding photos of the items.

Once you have your list ready, click on the Print arrow and get ready for some magic!

Your wish list will be sent to the North Pole via the cloud, and printed on a Canon PIXMA printer! We have a Canon PIXMA wireless printer and we love it, so I'm not surprised that Santa has one too.

What a fun way to spread the holiday magic!

Disclosure:I received a gift pack from Canon as a thank-you for posting this information. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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