Proactiv+ Review

I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Proacitv+. I received samples of Proactiv+ to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.

The Pea, at age 13, is just starting to experience the "joys" of acne breakouts.  I can commiserate, because I'm getting breakouts right alongside her!  I suffer from adult acne, and I always end up scarring because I hate the acne so much, I end up picking it (I know, I know, it's a really bad habit but I can't stand the thought of all that pus inside me, better out than in!).  A lot of the acne medicine, including natural tea tree oil, dries my skin up so much.   Acne never really goes away, all you can do is manage and control breakouts, so sometimes it does feel like an endless cycle of acne and scars, acne and scars.

I've wanted to try Proactiv ever since I saw the first ad, ages ago.  I've always wondered if it was just too good to be true -- all those celebrities singing Proactiv's praises, all those testimonies from regular people. I was so happy to be selected by Influence Central to try out Proactiv+ , a 3-step skincare system that helps clear acne while keeping skin soft and smooth.

More about Proactiv+
• With Proactiv+, every enhanced acne-fighting benefit comes with an equally powerful
skin-care benefit.
• The Proactiv+ system provides enhanced hydration, skin smoothing and mark reduction
as well as an overall improvement in texture, tone, pore appearance and brightness in
one elegant system.
• Proactiv+ helps fight breakouts and makes your skin look and feel healthier through a
range of skincare ingredients. There are three steps in the core system:
     o Step 1- Skin Smoothing Exfoliator
     o Step 2- Pore Targeting Treatment
     o Step 3- Complexion perfecting Hydrator
• The “plus” in Proactiv+ means “more” with more advanced skin care benefits built in to
give you a more luminous complexion.

This is what the Proactiv+ kit looks like, It contains the 3 products you will need:

1) Cleanser:  Use the Skin Smoothing Exfoliator to remove dirt and oil. Apply and rinse off, and use it twice a day.

2) Pore treatment: Use the Pore Targeting Treatment to kill acne bacteria in your face. Apply twice a day, using 2 pumpfuls at a time.

3) Moisturize: Use the Complexion Perfecting Hydrator to sooth irritation and keep skin soft and smooth. Rub a coin-sized amount into the face, twice a day.

You have to use all 3 products twice a day, morning and evening, in the order specified above. Probably the most difficult part for me was getting into twice-a-day habit.  It definitely takes more time... but it's worth it!  After 4 weeks of using Proactiv+, I do feel like my skin is smoother, and I've lost the big, red acne bumps that I had on my chin when I first started using Proactiv+.  One of the best things about Proactiv+ is that I don't feel like my skin is tight and flaky, the way it does.  It did feel somewhat itchy the first few days, but that subsided.

Another thing you need to remember is that this is actually a 4-step system, at least during the daytime -- after applying the 3 products in the morning, you need to apply sunscreen with a factor of at least SPF 15 (this wasn't a problem for me since I do that every morning anyway).  But like I said, it's worth it.  No wonder those celebrities rave about Proactiv+ !

Has anyone else tried Proactiv+?  Did it work for you?

You can purchase Proactiv+ online at

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Proacitv+. I received samples of Proactiv+ to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating. The views and opinions expressed here are my own. #MC #Sponsored

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