Tracks AIR Wireless Headphones by SOL Republic

Tracks AIR Wireless headphones by SOL REPUBLIC

If you've read my blog for any length of time, you'll know that one of my pet hi-tech peeves is tangled cords.  The OCD in me cannot stand the sight of ugly tangled cords, much less have the patience to untangle them!  I'm forever looking for gadgets and workarounds to keep them neatly wound and bound.

Wake up, Bonggamom!  It's the 21st century!  Maybe the answer isn't the perfect cord winder.  Maybe I need to think outside the box... or beyond the cord.  In other words, why have a cord at all?  We're in the age of Bluetooth and wireless, after all!

Enter SOL Republic, one of the hottest audio brands around. They make amazing performance headphones that look as good as they sound.  And even though they've partnered with musicians like and DJs like Deadmau5 and Steve Aoki, their products are relatively affordable (nothing over $250, most in the $100-$200 range).  Last year they introduced the Tracks Air, a set of wireless on-ear headphones that will spoil you for anything else.  SOL Republic sent me a pair of Tracks Air, and they are the perfect way for this overstressed mom to get away when I don't have the time or money for a getaway!  Just give me a comfy sofa (or bathtub filled with scented bubbles), some chocolate, a good book (or an iPad to browse the web), and Tracks Air, and I can be in my own world for hours....
Tracks AIR Wireless headphones by SOL REPUBLIC

My new Tracks Air headphones aren't just great when I'm relaxing, they're great when I'm busy.  Since it's wireless, you're not tethered to your music device.  You can leave it on a nearby table or shelf, and you have your hands free to cook, fold laundry, garden, wash your car, practice archery, or do whatever you want to do.  You can even vacuum the living room if that's what you love to do -- and even if you hate vacuuming, the music might help you hate it just a little bit less!
Tracks AIR Wireless headphones by SOL REPUBLIC

The headphones are super comfy -- each speaker is nicely padded, and you can slide the speakers up and down the headband to fit your head size.  Since these headphones are wireless, you need to charge them before you can use them, but a full charge can last as long as 15 hours.  The sound they deliver is wonderful.
Tracks AIR Wireless headphones by SOL REPUBLIC

The unit includes a left and right speaker (I wish there were a bigger "L" and "R" printed on the inside of the headphones so it was easier to tell right from left, and up from down!), a headband, a cable with an inline microphone (if you don't want to use it as a wirelessly), and a USB cable for charging (just the cable, though, no charger). I may never go back to tangled wires again!
Tracks AIR Wireless headphones by SOL REPUBLIC

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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