All-day comfort for your feet with Reebok Skyscape

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Reebok. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

I recently started working at the boys' school as Student Activities Director.  That's a fancy title for someone who plays games with the kids and makes sure everyone is having fun!  So far, I'm loving the job.  I get to think up of fun things to do at lunchtime -- last week I was the most popular person at school because I turned on the hose on the hottest day of the year (so far) and sprayed any kid who asked!

The job is a lot of fun, but at the end of my shift I am exhausted.  I'm outdoors the entire time, running and playing with kids who have boundless energy, so I never start work without a good breakfast, sunscreen, a hat.... and a good pair of shoes.

I recently had the opportunity to review the Skyscape Runaround by Reebok (available at Kohl's stores and online), and these walking shoes are just what I need! I can run around with the kids at lunch, and my feet don't ache afterwards.  The upper and the sole are made of a foam-like material, so your foot is cushioned all around.  It's nice and stretchy, and it's seamless, so nothing rubs on your foot and there's no need to break the shoe in -- it's comfy from the start!  The shoe doesn't have arch support, but the sole is soft and cushiony, so it molds to the bottoms of your feet and cushions every step.  These shoes are great for daily wear -- you can go from the playground to the grocery store to the PTA meeting to the bank to the library.

The Skyscape is so comfy, you'd think it would look like some kind of ugly orthopedic shoe.... but it's really quite stylish. Even The Pea approves of my footwear choice -- she's allowing me to wear it in front of her middle school friends!  It has a nice lean silhouette that make my huge feet seem slimmer.  I can wear it with yoga pants, capris, jeans, even skirts!    I chose the black pair with white soles and shoelaces, and I love how it goes with everything.  Last week I ran into a blogger friend, Terri Ann, who is also trying out Skyscapes.  She got the navy pair with electric blue soles and shoelaces -- that was my second choice, and seeing it on Terri Ann's feet I almost regretted getting my black ones because they are also so cute.

Because these shoes are made of a foam-like material, I recommend wearing them with socks.  The foam tends to make my feet sweat, especially when I've been wearing them all day (which I've been doing because they're so comfy), and when it's a hot day (which pretty much describes every day in Northern California for the next 7 months).  Also, because they don't have proper arch supports, I wouldn't wear them for running or working out -- although the thick foam sole does provide some support for everyday activities.   My new Skyscapes are definitely getting a lot of usage on the playground and around the neighborhood. And I'll definitely be trying them out the next time I visit a theme park!

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Reebok. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.. The views and opinions expressed here are my own. #MC #sponsored #Skyscape

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