What to expect at a Galileo Camp

The week my kids have been waiting has arrived... it's Galileo Week!  3Po and Jammy will have an out-of-this-world week at Camp Galileo, because this week's theme is Space Odyssey, and Galileo has partnered with the Chabot Space & Science Center to design a week of activities that's absolutely stellar.  They've already started drawing aliens for their art sessions and begun construction of a Mars Rover in their science sessions.  As for The Pea, she's living out her Food Network fantasies at Galileo Summer Quest -- she chose a Culinary Arts major called Chefology: Just Desserts, so she'll be whipping up sweet treats all week.  There's so much creativity and learning in store for all three of them!

My kids have been to many Galileo camps over the years, so they're Galileo veterans, but if your child is starting his very first week at a Galileo camp, he or she may be unsure of what to expect -- as will you, the parent!

1)  On Day 1, Monday, try to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of camp.  To make sure camp starts on time, the Monday check-in tables usually open 30 minutes before camp start time. First-day check-in usually takes a bit longer because the staff needs time to look your camper's name up, hand you an information packet, and answer any questions you might have.  Don't be afraid to ask questions or let the staff know of any specific needs or preferences your child might have!

Check-in tables at Camp Galileo are arranged alphabetically by last name, and check-in tables at Galileo Summer Quest are arranged by majors.  And don't worry if there are other camps being held in the same location as your child's Galileo camp -- the Galileo staff always puts up tons of big, bright, colorful signs so you won't get lost!  Check in on Day 2 and all succeeding days starts 10 minutes before camp start time.

2) After you check in, it's time to say goodbye to your camper.  A Galileo staffer will escort your child to his or her classroom.  The staffers always make it a fun event by leading groups of kids through the Fun Machine (a curtain of crepe paper and ribbons), so your child won't have time to miss you or feel left out.

3) The information sheet handed to you on Day 1 of camp contains important contact information including the Camp Director's name, camp phone number, your child's Team Leader, Team Color and check-out location.  It also contains the location of the Camp Galileo Office, the classrooms Camp Galileo will be occupying throughout the week, Outdoor Activities and the Lost & Found.  If you need to take your child out of camp early or just need to drop off the lunch that you forgot to pack, you can head to the Camp Galileo Office.

4)  When camp ends, you will need to check your camper out (unless you have authorized self-checkout for your camper, an option only available at Galileo Summer Quest).  Make sure you or whoever you have authorized to pick up your camper brings a driver's license or other official ID.

5) Don't forget to send your child to camp with sunscreen already applied, as well as a bottle of water.

6) Many days at camp are theme days -- spirit day, superhero day, 60's day, water day, etc... Campers show up dressed for the day's theme, and everyone has a lot of fun.  Make sure you read the "Week at Camp" info sheet so you can help your camper prepare for each day!

And finally.....

7) Relax.  Your camper will have a GREAT week.  After you pick your camper up, be prepared for excited and incoherent rambling as he attempts to describe what went on at camp.  I always find myself looking forward to hearing about all the amazing, cool, epic, fun, awesome activities that transpired!

Disclosure: Disclosure:This is the third in a series of posts about Camp Galileo and Galileo Summer Quest, for which I am receiving a free week of camp for each of my children. The views and opinions expressed here are my own. 

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