How Galileo makes summer camp fun and easy for PARENTS

There is no doubt that kids LOVE Galileo camps.  Just ask any kid who has attended one!  There's just something magical about the combination of amazing staff, cool (and ever-changing) themes, zany camp traditions, fun activities and a challenging curriculum that makes kids THINK.

My kids always look forward to their week(s) at Galileo. But they're not the only ones -- I look forward to it just as much as they do!  And it's not just because I love seeing how much they enjoy themselves.  It's also because Galileo Learning does so much to make things stress free and hassle free for parents, so they can enjoy their week as well.  Here are some ways Galileo helps parents out:

1) Check-in is quick and easy at Galileo summer camps; the staff is so efficient that after the first day, they only need 10 minutes to check in all the campers! There are about half a dozen check-in stations (arranged alphabetically at Camp Galileo and by major at Galileo Summer Quest).  Additionally, certain locations allow curbside check-in: just pull up to the curb, kiss your camper good-bye, watch him run to his counselor to pick up his daily name tag, wave and drive off!

2) At Galileo Summer Quest, parents have the option to authorize their children to check themselves out.  This means your middle school child can bike to GSQ in the morning, and bike back home when camp ends.   Obviously not everyone will be comfortable with that, but many kids already bike themselves to and from school during the schoolyear, so why should the summer be any different? I for one am glad that GSQ gives parents that option.

3)  Both Camp Galileo and Galileo Summer Quest offer a hot lunch option via Choicelunch.  You sign up for the week, and your camper gets a morning, a lunch entrée, a healthy snack and fresh-cut fruit. There are at least 5 lunch entrées to choose from every day, all kid-friendly options like Annie’s Organic mac and cheese, california roll, shredded beef tacos and Caesar salad.

4)  Parents get regular updates on what their campers are doing.  On the first day you'll receive a sheet with staff bios, as well as a list of activities your camper will be enjoying throughout the week.  The list includes information about special theme days (water play day, superhero day, etc...) so you and your camper can plan ahead and join in the fun.  When I pick my boys up from Camp Galileo, the staff always gives me a "what we did today" sheet with personalized notes about how they did.  I LOVE this, because all too often, when I ask them "How was your day?", all I get is an "Ummm... it was okay".  Galileo has figured out how to give parents a "cheat sheet" so they can ask their kids specific questions about their day ("how did you figure out where to put the drive train on your Mars rover?")!!

5) I can't say enough about Galileo's extended hours!   You can sign your child up for AM before-care sessions or PM aftercare sessions or both.  It's not just a blessing for working parents, it's also a blessing for stay-at-home parents who have kids at camps in different locations that end at the same time, or parents who want to spend some one-on-one time with one child (trust me, I have 3 kids and it is wonderful!).  My kids have been to the extended hours sessions at both Galileo Summer Quest and Camp Galileo, and they give high marks to both programs.  Kids aren't just left to themselves -- the staff stays and plays with them, making sure everyone has a good time and no-one gets bored.  This week at aftercare, my boys have played with LEGOs and KNEX, had their faces painted, made lanyards and played basketball.  It sure beats going to the supermarket and the bank with mom!

Disclosure: This is part of a series of posts about Camp Galileo and Galileo Summer Quest, for which I am receiving a free week of camp for each of my children. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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