Cotton Candy Cutesies: a sweet new doll from Playdin

I received a product sample for review

Remember Troll dolls?  I used to love stroking and playing with their wispy-fine hair, but I was never a big fan of the troll look.  I much, much, much prefer the adorable look of Playdin's new Cotton Candy Cutesies, a line of soft with wispy hair that looks just like cotton candy.  Each cutesie has its own distinct look and personality based on kids' favorite flavors, and they're priced at $13.99 so kids can work towards collecting all flavors, I mean dolls :)

We received Frozen Limeade to review, and although she's not lime-scented as I had hoped she would be, The Pea thinks she's adorable -- sweet and sassy and a bit tart, just like limeade should be.  Her hair is bright yellow and so much fun to style, and I love the little pink drink umbrella in her hair.

There are a total of 11 Cotton Candy Cutesies, each, based on a flavor: A La Mode, Frozen Limeade, Bubble Gum, Hot Cinnamon, Licorice, Birthday Cake, Pink Lemonade, Red Velvet Cupcake, Watermelon, Orange Cream Soda and Rainbow Cookie.  They all look as sweet and scrumptious as they sound; the only thing that would make them even better would be if they were actually scented to their flavor.

Cotton Candy Cutesies ($13.99) are available at and  What an easy (and sugar-free) way for your child to enjoy a sweet treat this summer!

Disclosure: I received a product sample to review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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