More photos of Caroline Abbott

Caroline Abbott is such a photogenic doll!  All American Girl dolls are beautiful, of course, but there is something about the sum total of Caroline's features that I find really appealing.  She reminds me of Gwyneth Paltrow (especially when I dressed Caroline up in Regency costume, she really looked like Gwyneth Paltrow when she played Emma!).  With her blond hair, I find it really tricky to photograph Caroline without overexposing the photo and making her look washed out -- but the resulting photos are worth it!  My first set of Caroline photos were way too blurred, so here is a set of photographs worthy of Caroline:

All of The Pea's other American Girl dolls have welcomed Caroline with open arms.  They hosted a sleepover for her, and a good time was had by all.

I recently reviewed a line of cute foldable doll rooms, and of course I had to include Caroline in the review photos!

And of course, being a sailor's daughter, Caroline likes to recharge out on the water, with the wind and the waves.  So we lent her my husband's remote-control sailboat!  The fact that it's actually a pirate vessel was no problem for Caroline whatsoever.  This girl is tough, and she can handle anything that the skeleton pirate can dish out!

Disclosure: I received Caroline to review, courtesy of American Girl.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. So excited to see the new American Girl doll. My two youngest step-daughters are big fans of American Girl and I'm sure they'll be overjoyed about this one.
