Back to School with CLIF Kid snacks

Now that The Pea is in middle school, it's time for her to start making and packing her own lunches.  If she had her way, she'd eat nothing but chocolate chip cookies (and a pizza slice or two), so I have to give her some guidelines on what to pack.  I told her she needs to pack at least one vegetable and one fruit, and I try to stock the pantry with a variety healthier snacks so she has some healthy options.  CLIF Kid is one of my favorite brands, and I always try to make sure we have CLIF Zfruit on hand.  It's made from real organic fruit puree, equal to one serving of fruit, so I know it's good for my kids.  They love eating it, and it's all wrapped up and ready to throw into a lunchbox.

About CLIF Kid snacks:
T-minus twenty minutes to get out the door, beat the traffic and -- blast off -- get the kids to school on time.  Starting the day with a laundry list of morning activity (often including laundry), parents appreciate a boost to not only get their kids prepared for a day at school, but also make sure they're nourished once there.

Fruits, such as apples and berries, are ideal for kids' lunches, but they don't always get eaten -- especially when they succumb to backpack bruising.

With CLIF Kid Zfruit, parents can rest assured their kids iwll enjoy a convenient, wholesome fruit snack and eat every last bite.  Each ZFruit flavor is made with organic fruit puree twisted into a fun rope shape that is easy to take anywhere kids go.  Zfruit is equal to one serving of fruit, an excellent source of vitamin C, gluten-free and contains no preservatives or artificial flavors and colors.

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is indicated in italics. 

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