Temple Run: Brave

The Disney-Pixar animated film Brave is shaping up to be one of the big movies of the summer, so we were happy to stumble upon a Brave promotional event when we were in Hollywood last week.  The kids got to play some fun Highland games like caber tossing, hammer throwing and archery, which got them even more excited about the movie.

It was sheer coincidence that we were able to participate in the Brave Highland Games, but Brave fans everywhere can still get in the mood for Brave with Disney's new app, Temple Run: Brave.  It's made by Imangi, makers of the popular Temp Run app (one of my kids' obsessions!), and playing the game is very similar.

For those who haven't played either version of Temple Run before, it's a "running app" where you have to make your character run through paths, turn corners and jump over obstacles by swiping the touchscreen.  In Temple Run: Brave, your character is Merida, and she is running from Mordu the bear.  The objective is to run as far as you can and get as many coins as you can, without falling off a cliff or bumping into logs or getting eaten by Mordu.

Along the way, you can collect gold coins on the path by having Merida run through them; you can then use the coins to purchase outfits for Merida or utilities to improve your game score.   Sometimes, the coins are not in the center of the path and you have to tilt the iPad to the right or left to put Merida in the path of the coins.

Temple Run: Brave costs 99 cents, but it's still worth getting even if you have the regular Temple Run app (which is free), because it has a number of fun premium features:

* You start out with 99 cents worth of gold coins (2500) for free.
* The exclusive Archery feature lets players tap targets to shoot a bullseye and earn extra coins.
* The visuals are amazing, and they come straight from the Disney Brave movie.
* You get to hear Merida's voice from time to time, saying things like "I have to keep moving" or "That's a lot of jumping" in her cute Scottish accent.

I love this game because it's so easy and intuitive (I did go through a lot of games figuring out how to make Merida turn corners, but I'm putting that down to the inexperience of old age!) and addicting.  I don't think I'm alone, because Temple Run: Brave is currently one of the top-selling apps on Apple's App Store!  

Temple Run: Brave is available on iOs and Android for $0.99.

Disclosure:I received a free download of Temple Run: Brave to review, and attended a preview screening of Brave courtesy of Temple Run: Brave.   The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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