On the road with the PS Vita

When it comes to videogames, our kids usually follow a set schedule -- they have to "earn" screen time by practicing their musical instrument (flute for The Pea, piano for 3Po and Jammy), reading books and getting some physical activity outdoors.  But on long drives, all that goes out the window.  I figure being stuck in a car for 8 hours is torture enough, so I let them play all the videogames they want (as long as they take some time to rest their eyes, stare out the window and read a book). 

The PS Vita was a star on our road trip to Los Angeles and Anaheim last week.  The PS Vita's large screen and high resolution is ideal for in-car play, since they don't have to squint to view a teeny tiny screen.  We took the charger with us and plugged it into our van's 110v AC outlet so running out of power was never a problem. The kids played Little Deviants and FIFA 2012 all the way down I-5 and back -- I think I only heard "Are we there yet?" once!

Disclosure: As a PlayStation Family blogger, I have been loaned a PS Vita unit and several PS Vita games. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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