Lonesome George & Co. Apparel

Tee shirts are a dime a dozen these days, but even though there are so many shirt companies around, it can be difficult to find a shirt design that's cool and unique -- especially when it comes to tee shirts for a cause. All too often the shirt is low quality, or the design is cheesy, or the shirt contains such a blatant cause-focused message that you look like you're headed for the picket line. I like supporting causes by buying shirts, but all too often I end up wearing the shirt at night or to the gym.

That's definitely not the case with Lonesome George & Co. shirts. They have cute designs, high-quality shirts -- and a worthy cause. The company is named after the rarest animal in the world. The real Lonesome George lives on the Galapagos Islands. He is the last surviving Pinta Island tortoise in the world; when he dies, his kind will be extinct. Lonesome George & Co. invests 10% of each purchase into education programs like Outward Bound and Ashoka, to help create a new generation of leaders who understand the interdependence of the environment, community, business and government -- and are willing to act so that situations like Lonesome George's don't happen again.

Lonesome George sent me a Passport tee so I could check out the design and quality. I love this shirt. The shirt is a size Large, and when I first put it on I was inclined to think that the fit runs a bit smal. But I've changed my mind; it's not meant to be a loose-fitting shirt, it's long and narrow. The fit is actually really flattering; it makes my shoulders look bony and my neck seem long and elegant. The combination of grey shirt and wine-colored stamp design is perfect for the fall, and it looks great with a pair of jeans.

I like it so much that I'm thinking of buying shirts for my kids and Alfie! Don't worry, we won't end up looking like a dweeby family, all in the same shirt. There are tons of other great designs, like the Tortuga Island boys' shirt and the Around the World girl shirt. The kids feel good knowing that part of the price of the shirt is going to a good cause -- although 3Po thinks it's being donated to help save Lonesome George. I explained to him that sadly, it's too late for Lonesome George, but we can learn from the tragedy and make educated choices to prevent such mistakes from being made again. I explained that the donation will be going towards education programs to teach people in the Galapagos islands about sustainability, eco-awareness and the importance of preserving the Galapagos as a global heritage site. Now that he could understand -- and just like that, 3Po was happy, knowing that his shirt would help do so much good.

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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