CLIF Kid Full Moon Brownie ZBar

Halloween is almost here, and you know that that means. Yeah, yeah, yeah, costumes and candy and blah blah blah, I'm talking about the long-awaited arrival of CLIF Kid's limited-edition seasonal flavor Zbar: Full Moon Brownie.

Yesterday I chaperoned my son's class on a field trip to Whole Foods Market. As a special treat, the store manager gave each child a Full Moon Brownie Bar from CLIF Kid. It was like the field trip had turned into a party! At the signal from their teacher, each child tore the wrapper and began chewing happily away. I also received one (after herding a class of 7-year-olds through the store, being a chaperone has got to have some perks), and it was so yummy, I was sorry to finish it.

Fortunately, a surprise was waiting for me at home -- CLIF Kid sent me a few more samples of their Full Moon Brownie bar in the mail! Just a few, but enough to last us until I can get back to Whole Foods to clear out their stock of Full Moon Brownie :)

The Basics
Whether tucked into a lunch bag or dropped into a pumpkin bucket, every Zbar features a wholesome blend of carbohydrates, protein and fiber to stabilize energy levels and make kids feel nourished longer. Zbar provides 8-11 grams of whole grains and 12 vitamins and minerals. Each bar is also USDA-certified organic and contains no high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

Full Moon Brownie is replacing the popular Spooky S’mores seasonal flavor, which has been added to the permanent Zbar line. Other kid-friendly flavors include Chocolate Chip, Honey Graham, Chocolate Brownie and Peanut Butter.

Full Moon Brownie is available now, while supplies last, at select grocery and natural retailers across the country. (SRP: $0.89)

The Bongga
Oh my gosh -- can you say TREAT?? These bars are Da Bomb. I like them even better than last year's Spooky S'mores flavor! They don't taste like energy bars at all; they look and taste like real brownies. If you cut them up into little squares, I doubt if people would suspect they came in a foil wrapper. They've got swirls of white chocolate on top, and the middle looks crumbly and moist, just like a brownie. When you bite into it, it's chewy, not gluey or gooey or sticky, and you really taste the chocolate flavor.

But it's what's inside the bars that really makes me happy -- 8 grams of whole grain, 12 vitamins and minerals -- as well as what's not inside the bars -- no high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, or trans fats. It's a great to trick kids into eating something healthy on Halloween night. At an MSRP of 89 cents each, they're too expensive for me to hand out to trick-or-treaters, but I will definitely be serving these at the two Halloween parties I have planned next week.

The Blah
When I reviewed the Spooky S'mores ZBar flavor last Halloween, I said the only bad thing about it was that it was available only for a limited time. The same is true for Full Moon Brownie (probably even more so, because I like this flavor more) -- but the good news is, CLIF Kid listened to me! Okay, they probably listened to me and hundreds of other parents and kids, all clamoring for more Spooky S'mores, because Spooy S'mores is now a regular ZBar flavor. That means the same thing might happen to Full Moon Brownie. Hey, I can dream, can't I?

The Bottom Line
Stock up on CLIF Kid's Full Moon Brownie bars before they disappear into the Halloween mist -- but you'll have to stand in line, because I'll be there first!

Disclosure: . I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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